Predator vs Prey

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Another weekend has come, another week of school, training has gone. All of us are hanging out in the base. Enjoying the silence that has been going on since Megatron short return to earth and getting his absolute ass getting blow up.

Until a alert came onto the screen. Ratchets energon readers. In a deep forest, one that looks like It could be in a horror film. Ratchet gives out his findings to everyone, Optimus listening intently with the information he's been given.

"Optimus? What do you think?" Ratchet questions

"This needs to be investigated. Arcee, you and Rachael will go." 

"Yes sir." 

I looked at Optimus with surprise, he gives a small smile and encouraging nod.  I smile as I run down the stairs as my body shifts into my cyber form. 

"Thank you Optimus." 

"This is to slowly get you into team work, if any danger arises. Call bases immediately for backup." 

"Of course." I smile to him.

Ratchet gave Arcee a tracker, opening the ground bridge. Us about to go through until we here a voice.

"Uh? Can I come to? If it's only recon?" Jack asks, nervously. 

Arcee and I look to Optimus.

"I mean he asked." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey!" Miko yelled from the human area. 

"It's true!" I yell back. 

"Mmm seeing as how this is just recon. I don't see a problem. Though if trouble arises he needs to come back immediately." 

"Yes sir." Arcee nods. 

Jack catching up to us wearing a fanny pack? I look at Optimus, giving him as wink as we all walk through the bridge. The images weren't lying, horror movie shit. Tall pines, and a fog that's sends  shivers down the spine. 

"Oh this makes me so uncomfortable." I say looking around. 

"Let's focus on the job okay. If things get rough, I need you to grab Jack and get some distance. Okay?

"No problem Arcee." 

After walking for a while, maybe an hour at most. We see why Ratchets alarms went off. A crash site, that probably spans a couple miles from earth's gravity and reentry. 

"You two stay behind me, and stay close." Arcee puts the scanner away and draws out her blasters 

I turn one hand into a blaster, kneeling down having Jack climb into my other hand. We walked to the front of the ship. While Arcee went to check in the ship, I hid in the tree line with Jack.
The waiting was making us both antsy. To me the ship was definitely a cons design with its dark colors and sharp edges. And it seemed I was right, we saw Arcee come out dazed and unbalanced, holding herself up on the side of the ship.

"Arcee!" Jack yelled.

I run us over to her.

"Arcee talk to me." I sent Jack down, holding her elbows lightly in my hands to balance her.
She shakes her head, looking between the both of us. 

"I know who this ship belongs to.  Acree to base, I need a groundbridge." She avoids put questions trying to get an answer.

"Scrap. The ship is probably scrambling a high frequency pluse." Arcee starts walking.
"Arcee what is going on?!" I push for answers. 

"Wait here...both of you." Arcee orders heading into the woods by herself.
I sighed, obviously seeing the signs for PTSD.

"We're gonna listen to her." 

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