Battle of Darkness

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           Rachael P.O.V
School just got out, we saw the Autobots and left for base. We got there and I saw Ratchet on the monitors like usual.

"Optimus I have pinpointed the location of the space bridge high above earths orbit." Ratchet said facing us.

"Out of our reach."

"Dumb cons"  I  thought.

"OK so you guys don't fly..." Miko started.


"They can't fly, so why not use the ground bridge."
I faceplamed knowing Ratchet was going to freak out.

"A ground bridge has limited range strenthed all the way into orbit it could snap and scatter us to the stars."

"That is a risk we have to take." Optimus said, facing the bridge.

I heard a engine come through and saw Jack and Arcee.

"Guess who's back." He took off his helmet.

"Autobots prepare for departure." Optimus ordered

"Where to?" Arcee asked

"To the final frontier."  Could they have been here earlier so we don't have repeat eveything.

"Wow space!" I rolled my eyes.

"Be careful." Everyone was saying bye, until they get back.

I flew to Optimus shoulder, he got used it.
"I'll be here when you get back." I told him

"And I'll keep my promise." It made my heart skip a beat, wait umm.....
I flew back to where the others were and Miko gave me a smirk, I gave her a death glare.

"Autobots transform and roll out!"
They transformed and left, I don't want to freak the others with flying passing so I got my phone and played Five Nights at Freddy's, keeps me busy.
                      Optimus prime P.O.V
We made it to Megatrons space bridge.
"Autobots transform and gravitas!"

We landed on the bridge and heard engines and saw the Warship.
"So Megatron is packing enough dark energon to raise Cybertron dead."

"We can not allow the dark energon to go through his space bridge if we fail the dead will rise and swarm through the vortex, ending the human race to Megatron's twisted ways."

We got our weapons out and aimed for anything decpticon
"Well what are they waiting for?"
I zoomed in on a satelite that was broken.

"It seems that their interstellar navigation system is damaged."

"That's my handy work." Bulkhead said

"Great job Bulkhead."

"Why would they meet up with the bridge when its broken?" I heard Rachael over the com-link.
I looked up and saw vehicon warriors heading our way.

"Here comes the welcome community."
                             Rachael P.O.V
I got off Freddys  cause it wasn't helping being killed by fragging Foxy.

"Don't the cons know where their own planet is?"

"Naturally, but their aim must be astromiclly persist."

"Megatron must have a back-up." Optimus said trying to connect the puzzle.

"By Earths technology I doubt theirs a satilite powerful enough to even lock on to Cybertron."

"What about a bunch of linked satilties like the ones in Texas." Raf said after typing a few things.

"Eht, eht, eht this is not child play."

"Good thinking Rafael."

I laughed, Ratchet had the 'really that just happened' look. Raf tried to hack in but couldn't get past the firewalls.
"I can't get past the walls there too thick."

I walked over and typed a few things, I felt all eyes on me.

"Rachael what are you doing?"

"Trying to get into the system."

Raf was right too thick I got past one or two more though.

"He was right too thick."

"Wait Raf, Rachael what if we get you all the way in."

" We could get into the system and stop the cons."

"No, the risk is too great the cons might be there or on sight."

"Optimus you said it your self this is bigger than 3 humans, if we don't do anything our world is fragged."

"Don't worry Prime I'll be there and help out."

"Raf?" Optimus asked

"I want to do it."

We started getting our stuff ready, Miko and Jack were waiting for me and Raf. I had to get my sai's,
we were ready. Ratchet opened it and we went through.

"That's going to get some used to."

We walked to the building. We went into one of the rooms and Raf got to hacking, I looked around and saw a camera in the corner I got my sia and busted the camera.

"Why did you do that!"

"We don't want the cons to know we're here do we!" I yelled at him
A few minutes later we found what we wanted.
"The cons are here." Raf said.

"How can you tell?" Jack asked, I face plamed.
"It's the same math we saw on the ship, but this time I can download it."

He put his drive in the computer.
It was bugging me, like we were being watched. I went to a corner and just stood there. A few seconds later a purple thing and started to attack Raf. Miko and Jack jumped on it but it threw them off, I went it stabbed it but it only flinched. The thing went to the computer and broke and was about to attack the others but I got in front of it and crossed my arms creating a shield, I learned it while training. 

"Miko grab the axe, Jack guard Raf." I ordered, she grabbed the axe and we looked at each other and nodded knowing what to do.

I dropped the shield and we charged the thing but it hit Miko back. It picked up the axe about to use it on me about drew back and disappeared. We followed it to another room and saw a con, Miko got her phone out and took a picture the robot did the same thing as well. He transformed and left. I was about to take off and follow him but Jack stopped me.

"Why did he leave?" I turned and asked Raf.

"He cut the hard wire the satellites are locked on to Cyberton for good."

"Ratchet we need a bridge." I called.

A bridge opened and we went back to base.


It may be messed up because I did it on a computer and tablet so it looks different.

The next chapter will have something with Rachael so stay and keep voting.   

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