Resuce Mission

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Author note: Thank you guys for the 100 reads this made my day!! :) :) :) :) :D

Everybody was shocked with the news that a human having energon without being killed. Ratchet walked back to Rachael

" Who exactly did this to you and why?" he asked

" I don't know why, but I know who" I told him

I flew back to my stuff to grab the file I've been keeping.

" I stole this when I was escaping maybe Agent Fowler can help me figure it out he may know more about this group"

I started to look it over seeing the information about the people who did this to me. When I just realized something

" If they put energon in me then they know about you guys" I said

Optimus turned and faced me just realizing that to.

"You are right Rachael we need to keep an eye out"

" Not only that their after me so they can take me back and do more experiments on me I can not go back there" I told him

Ratchet was working on the computer when all the bugs poped up. Raf noticed and decided to help.

"I think I can help with that" Raf said grabing his laptop.

"You know this is very complex work" Ratchet said but Raf wasn't listening to him, he kept working.

"Now try " Raf said.

Ratchet pressed a button and the bugs went a way, he kept looking back to Raf and the computer I laughed at this. Something popped up on the screen, Arcee was the first to read the news.

" Cliffjumper signal popped back up online, but that's in possible!" she yelled

" There must be a few bugs left in the system" said Ratchet

Arcee looked at Optimus," If there's a chance Cliff is still alive"

" Ratchet open the ground bridge"

Ratchet went over to the switch and turned on the ground bridge on. The Autobots went through. Miko, Raf, Jack and I were surprised and wondered where they went.

"wait what just happened?" asked Jack

" I sent them to the designated coordinates we received" Ratchet explained

" So it's a teleaportion device" I said trying to simplify it.with all this scince talk.

Ratchet raised an eyebrow " what's  a teleaportion device?"

" Makes you go from one place to another, and now we wait for the others to get back."

                                                                    Optimus Prime P.O.V

The Autobots and I went through the ground bridge leaving Ratchet and the children behind. We ended up at an energon mine and it was large.

" Judging by the scale the Deceptacons have been mining here for sometime" I told them

We kept walking until we came stacked energon cubes and we hid behind the cubes hoping to find CliffJumper. I kept thinking about Racheal with her wings and how she has energon in her but still being human, also that someone else knowing of our existence. The Autobots were waiting for my command. I got out of my hiding spot.

" Lets find CliffJumper"

The miners saw me and the others, they started to attack. The Miners with the drills tried to use those but it didn't work. My team and I were focused on getting to the main chamber, Arcee the most. We made it to the main chamber with the elevator that lead to Megatron Warship. Everyone was looking for Cliff, but we cound't find him.

Bulkhead whistled " Quite an operation they have"

The guards heard them and spotted us, they started to shoot.

" I got a visual on Cliff" Arcee said

" Go we'll cover you" I told her and she went off to get her parthner.

                                                                        Rachael P.O.V

Miko kept asking questions about the ground bridge.

" So you can open that and I can visit my parents in Tokyo?"

" Yes in fact let me send all of you there right now" Ratchet said in a voice that sounded like he doesn't like us.

" Watch it Ratchet" Miko wasn't afraid  I flew back to were all my stuff was and grabbed the file. I kept reading the file, half way threw the dang thing when Optimus called.

" Ratchet we need a ground bridge" he told Ratchet, he walked over to the ground bridge switch so the Autobots can return to base.

" Ratchet use the arrival coordinates now!" Optimus said racing from the blue smoke of the energon mine. The Autobots came thourgh, Ratchet turned around and turned off the ground bridge. Optimus who just transformerd into his robtic form.

" Cutting it a bit close" Ratchet said

Miko ran to the railing " Was there a fight, what was that expolsion?, can I come with next time!"

" Look" Arcee giving Miko a look, Jack ran to Miko

" Hey Miko lets see what the bots have in there sock drawers"

" Seriously" Miko said as jack dragged her off. I looked at Optimus, but her was already looking at me before, he gave me a look that said go with them. Optimus turned to face Arcee

" Arcee what did you see?" Optimus asked her.

" Not Cliff he looked like one.. one of the con experiments back on Cybertron" Arcee lost her balance and fell. Bumble bee stepped forward and said a few beeps probably trying to say " are you all right"

" I'm fine" she said getting back on her feet but Ratchet told her to sit down so that he can do a scan on her. Ratchet did his scaning and noticed purple goo on her other hand. Ratchet grabbed a knife and scraped some off.

" What is this" Ratchet asked Arcee

" I don't know Cliff was covered in it leaking it"

" Go take a decamation bath now" he told her Bumble bee picked her up and helped her to the machine.

" A Optimus" Jack said

" Yes Jack" Optumus turned and faced us.

" I need to call my mom, but no bars" Jack told Optimus holding his phone out.

" A safety procaution" Optimus said to all of us.

" If I don't call her the cops will be looking for me" Jack wanted to win the little battle

" Have you broken a law?"

" curfew"

" Yeah me to" said Raf

" Earth customs, Bumble bee you will accompany Raf home, Bulkhead you will take Miko"

" Sweet my parents are going to freak!" Miko yelled

" Maintain vehicle mode"

"Curb side duty got it.

"Ahh" Miko said in disappointment

" Wait who will guard Rachael?"

" I will since Ratchet has work."

" Not surprised." said Arcee

I turned to face her.
" How are you not surprised?"

" Lets see you have red and blue hair like his paint job."

I put my hands up on surrender.
" Alright that was not my fault."

Everyone had a laugh at this even Optimus.

" This is awesome just... just  giant robots, hey guys I'm really tired after all this."

The last thing I saw was Optimus Prime.

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