𝒟𝒶𝓎 𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒 - 𝐵𝒶𝒷𝓎 𝒪𝓌𝓁

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Tonight, the sleeping arrangements had been switched.

Bokuto and Kenma were sleeping in Bokuto and Akaashi's room.

Kuroo and Akaashi were sleeping Kuroo and Kenma's room.

Akaashi pulled the covers over him, already missing Bokuto.

"You going to sleep?" Kuroo asked, walking into the room. He had just finished brushing his teeth.

"Yes, you can stay up if you'd like, the lights won't bother me," Akaashi claimed. He laid down, resting his head on the pillow and closing his eyes. He felt the bed dip as Kuroo sat on the bed, swinging his legs over and under the covers. Akaashi faced the door, feeling Kuroo's eyes on his back.

"Hey," he spoke in a deep voice, making it nearly impossible for Akaashi to not look back. "Look at me." Akaashi shifted his position so he was facing Kuroo. "Are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to rest on the floor?" Akaashi shook his head.

"Why do you like me?" Kuroo was taken aback by the question.

"Well, you're really smart and kind, and beautiful-" Akaashi glanced away. "Wait... do you not like being called beautiful?" Kuroo questioned. Akaashi tensed.

"It's not that... it's just... never mind."

"Tell me," Kuroo ordered gently. Akaashi sighed.

"Whenever I get called beautiful, it makes me feel like people only care about my looks. Which... so far has been the case, until I met Bokuto," Akaashi explained. Kuroo's eyes weren't judgmental or bored. He was listening, and he cared. It was strange.

Kuroo's maturity was much better than everyone else. While he acted childishly, he was very aware of everyone and everything.

"It feels like they don't care about anything else."

"Well, you and Bokuto are very attractive," Kuroo started, making Akaashi's heart sink.

"But that's not why I like you guys, that's just a bonus. Bokuto's energy and personality are what made me like him. It's the same for you too. You're the kindest person I've ever met, honestly. You're selfless and you take care of the people you care about. It's remarkable. I'm sure that's why Kenma likes you, too."

Akaashi was flustered by all the praise.

"I'm not that selfless," Akaashi murmured. Kuroo chuckled.

"It's okay to be selfish too. I know I am right now." Kuroo moved his hand to cup Akaashi's cheek. He waited to see if Akaashi would protest, but he didn't. Akaashi liked the feeling of his warm hand. "Can I kiss you?" Kuroo asked. Akaashi was certain if he said no, Kuroo would listen.

"Please," he mumbled, wanting to kiss the older male. Kuroo grinned, scooting closer and pecking Akaashi's forehead. Akaashi blushed. He placed his fingers under Kuroo's chin and gently kissed his lips. He felt Kuroo smile against his mouth, hooking his arm around his waist and pulling him closer. Akaashi yelped in surprise, and the two boys laughed.

"Can we spoon?" Kuroo asked, making Akaashi wonder what it would be like to hug him.

"Yes." Akaashi turned his back to Kuroo and feeling his warmth against his back. Kuroo's breaths made the skin on his neck tingle.

It was nice.

"Goodnight Akaashi," Kuroo mumbled.

"Good night."

𝐀 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 [𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕂𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕂𝕖𝕟]Where stories live. Discover now