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Kenma turned off his camera and shut down his computer. He set his headphones on the table and leaned back in his chair, using his feet to push away. His back popped a few times and he closed his eyes, sighing. He was exhausted.

With paperwork and YouTubing, things we're getting pretty busy with his job. He barely saw Bokuto since he was back at volleyball, and Kuroo had started training for his new position. Akaashi was going for mandatory checkups before his surgery, which would take place in a month.

Kenma had been texting Hinata, who seemed to be having some trouble with Kageyama now that they both played for Japan.

After recently making up, the two had fought again, and Kenma was their middle man.

Kenma cracked an eye open when he heard a familiar ring. Hinata had texted him.

He stood up and walked over to his nightstand, picking up the phone and swiping.

Hinata has sent one attachment

Kenma stared.

Hinata had taken a picture of Bokuto and sent it to him with a teasing text message underneath.

He can't wait to go home and see u ~

Kenma's mouth went dry.

Bokuto was shirtless, his volleyball shorts exposing his upper thighs, and his waistband was low, so his V-line was visible and a happy trail of dark hair peeked out. His abs were prominent and his biceps were flexed. He was glancing at the camera, not exactly surprised, but not smiling. Seemed like Hinata had taken the picture when Bokuto looked up because someone called his name. His jawline was sharp and his aurous eyes stared right at the camera. The faint trace of his cock pressed against his shorts made Kenma gulp.

Fuck... Kenma thought.

He glanced around before grabbing his earbuds and hopping in bed.

He pulled the covers over his legs and grabbed the tissue box from the stand, bringing it closer. He pulled out the small bottle of lube from the drawer then paused.

What am I doing...? He asked himself, embarrassed.

But when his eye graced over the picture again he bit his lip and opened up a Spotify playlist, hearing the soft music instantly.

He poured some lube into his hand and blushed, leaning back. He rubbed his nipples, gently arousing himself further. He pinched the bud and whimpered, slipping his hand into his pants. Kenma tilted his chin up, his chest rising then concaving as wrapped his palm around cock.

"Oh—" he gasped, rubbing his dick and staring at the picture. Soft noises fell out of his mouth and his thumb rubbed his tip, making him whine as pleasure bloomed. "Hnghhhhh—" he sighed, glancing over Bokuto's abs and slipped the hem of his shirt between his teeth, biting the cloth. He started pumping his cock faster, his thighs tensing and his hips bucking.

"Mnghhh~!" Kenma moaned, his eyes watering as his cock jerked in his hand. His toes curled and he arched his back. He dropped the phone and groaned, using his other hand to push his perineum. "Ah!" He cried out, stimulating both his cock and his prostate. He continued to rub both, nearing his climax. Kenma squeezed his cock gently and leaned his head to the side.

"Cumming—fuck fuck fuck—"

Kenma moaned loudly, releasing onto his chest and crying out. He panted, his muscles relaxing suddenly as he laid motionless on the bed.

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