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I'm sorry abt typos¯\_( '・ω・)_/¯

Kenma stared at mirror.

His hair was a mess since he just woke up, tufts sticking out and defying gravity, much like Kuroo's hair.

He lifted his hoodie and stared at his belly button. His hands moved down, squishing the flesh before he turned to the side and watched himself carefully. He poked his stomach a few times and glanced back at the mirror.

"Kenma! Are you coming out soon?" Bokuto called, knocking on the door. Kenma dropped the hem of his sweatshirt and replied.


"Kuro brought breakfast, so hurry before it gets cold!" Bokuto said.

"I'm not hungry," Kenma declared, silently waiting for a response.

"Are you sure?" Bokuto questioned. Kenma was quick to answer.

"Yep." Kenma tied up his hair and pinched the skin under his chin before letting out an soft sigh and leaving the bathroom.

He padded over to the table where his husbands were already eating.

Well, Akaashi was eating on the bed.

Kenma sat in between Bokuto and Kuroo, staring at the food as the two men ate.

"You sure you aren't hungry, Kitten?" Kuroo asked, leaning forward and pressing his hand against Kenma's forehead. Kenma nodded, looking away from the food. "You don't feel warm... would you like some water at least?" Kuroo wondered. Kenma nodded again. Kuroo stood up and grabbed a glass, filling it up before returning and handing the glass to Kenma. Kenma finished the glass in just a few seconds.

"Should we go out for lunch?" Bokuto asked. Kuroo chuckled.

"We just ate, you're already thinking about the next meal?" Kuroo teased. Bokuto pouted.

"So what?! Plus it's so nice out!" Bokuto pointed out.

"I'm gonna stay with Keiji," Kenma murmured. Kuroo tilted his head.

"You sure?" He asked. "It's really nice out."

"'M sure," Kenma promised. Kuroo shrugged.

"We should go now," Kuroo suggested, the two men standing. "Love you, Keiji!" Kuroo shouted.

"Love you too!" Akaashi replied from the bedroom.

"I also love you!" Bokuto declared.

"Love you too, Bo," Akaashi laughed.

Unlike Kenma, who Akaashi was fine hugging and holding, or even Bokuto, whom he occasionally felt comfortable enough to hold hands with, Kuroo wasn't able to be in the same room as Akaashi.

It was not his fault, but he resembled one of the men, and Akaashi always froze when they saw each other.

Of course, they all still loved each other dearly, it's just, at the moment it could only be expressed through words.


Kenma eventually got up and waddled over to the bedroom, poking his head inside to see if Akaashi was awake or asleep.

"Yes, Kenma?" Akaashi hummed with a smile. Kenma walked over to the bed, climbing onto the mattress and flipping onto his stomach. Akaashi placed his hand on Kenma's back and started rubbing circles. Kenma let out a noise of appreciation and closed his eyes. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask, are you feeling alright?"

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