W̶e̶ ̶H̶a̶d̶ ̶S̶e̶x̶ ̶T̶o̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶-̶ ̶B̶o̶

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"Kenma!" Bokuto shouted, rushing down the stairs.

A game ad had popped up on his phone, and for some unknown reason Bokuto was under the impression Kenma could play every single game that existed.

The frosted-haired boy found a startled Kenma on the couch, where he usually was, staring up at him.

"Y-yes?" Kenma asked. Bokuto showed him the ad.

"Is this a good game?" He questioned. Kenma squinted.

"I don't know that game," Kenma admitted. Bokuto gasped from genuine astonishment.

"Really?!" Kenma recoiled at his volume. "Oops, I didn't mean to scare you," Bokuto said, sitting next to Kenma. "Can I touch you?" Kenma blushed at the question.

"Wh-what?!" He stammered. Bokuto blinked.

"Like... hug you." Kenma turned redder when he understood.

"Y-yeah," he replied softly. Bokuto grinned, wrapping his arm around Kenma's waist and nuzzling his shoulder. Kenma's breath hitched, but Bokuto paid no attention to the response, busy showering Kenma with attention. Kuroo had gone out with Akaashi to get him glasses, so like always, it was just Kenma and Bokuto.

Bokuto peered over Kenma's shoulder, watching him play a game on his PSP.

"This is bad for your eyes I think," Bokuto said, but Kenma didn't reply. Bokuto frowned a little and noticed how hunched over Kenma was. He kissed the smaller boy's neck to make him look up, but he received something else instead.


Both boys froze. Bokuto could see Kenma's ears were red, and he was trembling a little. Bokuto kissed Kenma again, this time a bit harder. He sucked on the skin a bit, making Kenma tense.

"Hngh~" Kenma moved away, covering his neck whilst wearing an embarrassed expression.

"You're so sensitive," Bokuto stated, surprised. Kenma looked away. "That's so cute!" Bokuto declared, hugging Kenma. He pulled Kenma onto his lap. "Can I keep kissing you?" Kenma pondered for a moment, before nodding.

"'Kay," he agreed. Bokuto kissed Kenma's lips, placing his hands on the boy's hips. Kenma rested his hands against Bokuto's chest, following his movements. He was much more submissive than Akaashi, and Akaashi was already quite submissive. Bokuto swiped his tongue over Kenma's lip, making the boy part his mouth. Bokuto slipped his tongue inside, drawing out a soft groan from Kenma. He was already weak to Bokuto's touch, it seemed. Kenma jumped when Bokuto made contact with his skin directly. Bokuto paused when he pressed against Kenma's thin frame, touching his ribcage.

Kenma was small. Very small. And thin. Bokuto didn't mind, he liked everything about Kenma. But he was much more worried about accidentally hurting the younger boy physically. However, Kenma's expression was enticing. He shuddered when Bokuto moved his hand up, making Kenma hunch forward. He rubbed Kenma's nipple with his thumb, gently pushing the bud around.

"Ngh~! Ah-ah~!" Kenma moaned, covering his mouth with the back of his hand to stifle his noises. Bokuto gulped at Kenma's state.

"Um... Kenma?" Bokuto started. Kenma was panting, gripping Bokuto's shirt. He rested his head on the older boy's shoulder, looking up slowly.

"Ah... mm?" Kenma answered.

"Can I keep going?" He asked. Kenma's breathing was slowing down as he regained his composure.

So far, Bokuto and Kenma hadn't gone beyond wholesome kissing and cuddling. The last thing Bokuto wanted to do was making Kenma uncomfortable. However, Kenma nodded, holding onto Bokuto.

𝐀 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 [𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕂𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕂𝕖𝕟]Where stories live. Discover now