D̶o̶c̶t̶o̶r̶'̶s̶ ̶A̶p̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶-̶ ̶B̶o̶

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Bokuto, Kuroo, and Kenma alternated between who went with Akaashi to his regular checkups. Today, it was Bokuto's turn.

Bokuto didn't mind hospitals. They always had the sharp smell of alcohol and the air was cool from the blasting A/C, which was a pleasant break from the summer heat.

Bokuto followed Akaashi into the doctor's office.

A small room with a simple desk and swivel chair. There was a lamp in the corner and little knickknacks lined the doctor's table. A golden plaque with black letters read, "Dr. Yamazaki" and underneath, "neurologist."

"Nice seeing you again, Mr. Bokuto," the doctor started, shooting Bokuto a warm smile which Bokuto returned. "Everything seems to be going well, Mr. Akaashi will be ready for surgery before the set date," he declared. Bokuto squeezed Akaashi's hand.

"As you know, we, unfortunately, cannot guarantee his sight will return, but the odds are more in his favor than before."

"So he'll survive?" Bokuto paraphrased with hope. The doctor's smile lessened.

"We have faith in our surgeons."

Bokuto didn't like the sound of that. Akaashi's thumb caressed the back of his hand, soothing Bokuto while he faced the doctor.

"Is that all?" Akaashi asked, ready to leave. Bokuto was hungry and Akaashi didn't eat breakfast before testing, so the two were ready for a hearty lunch.

"Actually, there's one more thing," the doctor answered, shifting his gaze over to Bokuto. "Would you happen to have any history of head trauma? Or perhaps... autism?"

Bokuto blinked a few times.

"Ah, no, I'm not autistic—"

"You don't have autism," Akaashi corrected. Bokuto nodded.

"Yeah that, but I did get concussed pretty bad some time back," Bokuto explained. The doctor nodded.

"Would you be open to an MRI scan?" He questioned. Bokuto furrowed his brow.

"Why?" Akaashi asked. "Is something wrong?" The doctor waved his hand.

"Your friend just seems to have a few symptoms of dystonia, but I'm not quite sure."

"Dystopia? I didn't major in literature I don't remember which one that is," Bokuto chuckled, embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his neck but his smile faded when the doctor shook his head.

"Do you have any motor tics?"

Bokuto tilted his head.

"Like... sudden jerks that you can't control, for example... rapidly blinking..."

Bokuto was blinking rather quickly at that moment. So quickly he could barely see. His lids were twitching much like they did when he slept very little.

"I guess," answered Bokuto, glancing at Akaashi.

"It couldn't hurt," Akaashi pointed out. Bokuto shrugged.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Akaashi smiled.

"I can wait for you, Bo."


Bokuto tugged at his hospital gown, feeling somewhat exposed. Usually, things like this didn't bother him, but right now he was extra nervous. The machine looked like something straight out of a sci-fi novel. He sat down on edge and glanced at the glass wall, where he could see the doctor and Akaashi who was waving at him while he held his elbow with his other hand. Bokuto raised his hand and grinned weakly.

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