𝒜 𝒫𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒟𝒶𝓎 - 𝐵𝒶𝒷𝓎 𝒪𝓌𝓁

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Sorry for the short chapter TwT

Akaashi was crying out.

His eyes ached like a motherfucker.

His head was pounding and even the slightest bit of light or movement sent waves of agony throughout his body.

The covers were pulled over his head, his body completely veiled. His eyes were squeezed shut. He trembled and let out uneven breaths. His fingers knotted into the bed sheets and his knuckles turned white. He clenched his jaw and his veins popped out.

"Keiji?" Kenma called out, followed by two more pairs of footsteps. Akaashi whimpered from the pain. Kenma hopped onto the bed and placed his hand on Akaashi's back, starting to pull off the blanket.

"No..." Akaashi groaned. Kenma paused.

"Headache?" Bokuto asked. Akaashi was quiet.

"Would you like some tea?" Kuroo asked gently. " Painkillers?"

"Painkillers," Akaashi replied, shocking his husbands. Akaashi wasn't a huge fan of medicine. He didn't actually believe pills worked, or at least, they never seemed to work for him.

He was in a lot of pain.

Kuroo walked out, leaving Kenma and Bokuto to care for Akaashi while he scavenged the house for painkillers.

Kenma laid next to Akaashi and and slid under the blankets. He wouldn't get hot underneath the covers. He ran his fingers through Akaashi' s dark tresses and kissed his forehead, which encouraged Akaashi to bury his face in Kenma' s chest. Kenma was trying to breathe as softly as possible, his hands massaging Akaashi's temples. Bokuto was on the other side, rubbing Akaashi's back and nuzzling his neck.

"Baby-" Bokuto started.

"Shh..." Akaashi interrupted, groaning softly. "Too loud..."

Bokuto hummed apologetically.

"Can you turn on the lights... it's too dark now," Akaashi mumbled. He heard Kenma inhale sharply, a pool of worry building in the pit of his stomach.

"The lights are already on, my love..." Kenma admitted.

Akaashi bit his lip.

"Want the covers off?" Bokuto asked. Akaashi nodded slowly. He felt the weight lift off his side, but he was still faced with darkness. He moved one hand carefully, brushing Kenma's cheek and cupping it. He tilted his head and felt around for Bokuto, who found his hand for him. He chewed the inside of his cheek.

"Okay, I found some-" Kuroo started to speak. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Can't see..." Akaashi murmured. Kuroo's had was most likely the next one to touch him, his forehead specifically.

"Do you want the painkillers?" Kuroo wondered softly. Akaashi nodded. He felt the lip of a cool glass against his mouth, followed by two pills. He washed them down with the water, gulping harshly. Kuroo placed his hand under Akaashi's head and helped him lay back down.

"He has to start soon," Kuroo murmured.

"He said not for another month," Bokuto replied.

"Yeah, but he's ready. If we wait-"

"Why don't we just ask him?" Kenma interrupted Kuroo.

Akaashi was barely listening, his eyes throbbing and his throat dry.

"Keiji?" Kuroo said in a softspoken voice.


"Do you want to have surgery sooner?"

Akaashi sprung up, still unable to see.

"No-!" He began to protest, them pause.

"Keiji?" Kenma asked. Akaashi started to tremble.

"I can't... I can't stop seeing you forever... not yet-" Bokuto grabbed his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "I'll never see you again I can't never see you again—what if I forget how you look or-or—"

"It's alright, baby," Bokuto promised.

He gently slipped his hand under Akaashi's shirt, slowly moving his fingers to his shoulder and running the digits over the scar.

For such a small body, the scar was rather large.

None of them minded. Only Akaashi did.

Bokuto pulled Akaashi onto his side and hugged him gently, resting his chin on his head.

"You know we'll never force you to do anything," Bokuto spoke confidently. Akaashi didn't reply. "Only what you want, alright?"

But Akaashi knew if he waited any longer, it would be his sight that he could lose.

It would be his life.


Akaashi was scheduled for surgery the next day.

It was already seven in the evening.

Akaashi heard a gentle knock against the door and turned, seeing Kuroo leaning against the frame and wearing a warm smile.

"Hey," Akaashi murmured.

"Come with me," Kuroo ordered softly.

"Why?" Akaashi pressed. Kuroo just held out his hand.

Akaashi took it.

Kuroo led him out of his room and down the stairs, where Bokuto and Kenma were already waiting, standing outside with their shoes on. Kenma was wearing a hoodie and shivering a bit in the evening breeze.

As they stepped into the car, Akaashi found most of the drive to be a blurt.



Neon signs.






Part of him was absolutely terrified.

He may never see their faces again.

He might lose his sight if not his life.

He might forget them.

He might forget this.


Akaashi looked up at Bokuto.

Bokuto leaned forward and nuzzled his nose.

His voice clicked as he whispered,

"What's happening now," Bokuto ordered softly.

Akaashi nodded.


Let's think about what's happening



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