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Kenma found himself sitting with Akaashi, swinging his legs since he was far too short compared to the chair. He swiped through his phone, reading all of the notifications.

Over the past several months, Kenma's YouTube channel had grown significantly. He was in the hundred thousand for subscribers, meaning a majority of his videos were getting monetized. Juggling school and his online life was hard but manageable, and he felt capable of providing for himself. More or less. He wasn't making quite enough to be alone, not that he wanted to. However, he did want to help out more. He never cleaned or cooked. He couldn't exactly help his boyfriends with studying or exercising either.

So his next best idea was this.

"Akaashi," Kenma murmured.


"Can I go with you the next time you go to buy groceries?" He asked. Akaashi was surprised by the request.

"Of course you can. Why the sudden question?"

"I just felt like this time I should help," Kenma admitted. Akaashi smiled.

"That's very sweet of you. But you don't have to, my love." Kenma blushed at Akaashi's words.

"I-I know but... I want to help out more, and now that I'm earning..." Kenma's voice trailed off.

"Right, YouTubing. We still haven't watched any of your Twitch streams either. Is it all gaming?" Akaashi wondered.

"Um... well it's only gaming but a lot of people have been asking for more. But I wanna keep my personal life private. It's weird to think about uploading anything other than gaming content." Kenma fidgeted with his hands. "I guess branching out could be a good idea though..."

"Do whatever you're comfortable with, alright?" Akaashi said gently, caressing the back of Kenma's hand with his thumb. Kenma nodded, looking down to hide his reddened face. Akaashi checked the time, glancing at Kenma. "How about we got out now? Do some shopping for dinner," Akaashi offered. "And get out of the house. I haven't seen you step out in a while." Akaashi pulled Kenma to his feet. "Go get changed and we can leave," he spoke softly.



"We need some more oyster sauce and scallions," Akaashi told Kenma, looking at the paper list in his hand.

"Bokuro said they wanted gyoza* too," Kenma added. Akaashi stared.

"Bo... Kuro?" He repeated. Kenma glanced up.


"You said Bokuro like it was a name," Akaashi said.

"Well it's easier than saying Bo and Kuro," Kenma answered. Akaashi smiled.

"That's cute." Kenma's cheek grew warmer. "Okay, we can make gyoza tonight then." Kenma followed Akaashi through the different aisles.

"No, you go ask him," a voice suddenly whispered. Kenma glanced over his shoulder, raising a brow. Two girls were murmuring to each other while looking at Kenma. The shorter male tugged at Akaashi's sleeve, hiding a bit in Akaashi's back.

"Um, excuse me," someone asked, Making both Kenma and Akaashi turn. "Are you Kodzuken? The gamer?" One of the girls asked. Kenma was shocked, unable to form words. Akaashi noticed his boyfriend's grip tighten. He appeared nervous. "We were hoping we could get an autograph!" Kenma flinched, hiding behind Akaashi.

"Excuse me," Akaashi said, smiling at the two girls. "We're a bit busy right now, so please leave us alone," he asked, his voice almost icy.

"Oh-oh, sorry," the other spoke up, pulling her friend away. Kenma let out a sigh of relief, resting his head against Akaashi's back and closing his eyes.

"Kenma?" Akaashi asked softly. "Are you alright?" Kenma didn't reply. "Do you want a hug?" He nodded slowly. Akaashi turned around, wrapping his arms around Kenma's shoulder while the short boy wrapped his arms around Akaashi's waist. Kenma pulled at his sleeves, burying his face into Akaashi's chest. "Are you alright, love?"

"Mm..." Kenma hummed, feeling the odd stares they were getting. Kenma was about to pull away when Akaashi squeezed.

"I love you, Kenma," Akaashi whispered in Kenma's ear, giving him a quick and undetectable kiss.

The boys left the grocery store and walked home in the dark.


Gyoza is a type of dumpling

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