*Special 2: Wedding*

574 28 21

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024


He turned around at hearing the nickname, watching the toddler waddle their way to him. He smiled; she was adorable. He squatted, opening his arms as she smiled showcasing her two front teeth that had just submerged about a month ago. She made it right in front of him, before kicking his shin and sticking her tongue out as she ran away laughing, attacking Yeontan who was attempting to nap.

Taehyung chuckled, looking down before standing up. She looked just like him but acted exactly like her. There was no denying that she was their daughter.

"Jeon Eunmi leave Tannie alone."

He went towards her, to save his poor dog from having his ears pulled too roughly when the door to his home opened. Wrestling with Eunmi, he got her to calm down with a lollipop. Eunmi was the exact replica of Jungkook with her big eyes and bunny smile, but her personality was the same as Yerim. A pain in his ass but his niece was adorable and seeing her birth was the only reason he didn't end up murdering Jungkook for getting Yerim pregnant before they could marry.

"I don't think I'm going back there. Kim Yerim is going to make me die of stress."

He already knew it was her. He could feel her coming and how she kept mumbling that she was craving some ice cream. He walked towards her, Eunmi became excited at seeing Sooyoung. He never thought he would meet someone that would love Sooyoung more than him—Eunmi told him otherwise. The toddler loved and listened to Sooyoung better than anyone else.


"Ah, Eunminie!"

Sooyoung took Eunmi from his arms and walked away from him. Leaving him with his arm hanging open, expecting his kiss. Pouting and slouching he turned. "Yah..."

He watched her laugh at him before she walked up to him and kissed his pout away. Not wanting to be upstaged he wrapped his arms around her and brought her close to him, leaning his forehead on hers. "Hi," she smiled in response.

"I missed you." He mumbled as he pecked her lips.

"I was gone for two hours."

"Two hours too long! Eunmi is a miniature version of Yerim and Yeontan is afraid of her, Haetnim refuses to come out of our room. She's a terror." He widened his eyes, loving the sound of Sooyoung's laughter.

"She's not that bad."

Right as she spoke, Eunmi slapped him on the cheek. "Bad Tata!"

Sooyoung pulled the toddler away as he gestured a "see" to her. Too sweetly, Sooyoung took the toddler's hand before looking at her right in the eyes. "Eunmi, hitting people makes them have ouchies. We don't want people to have ouchies. Do you like getting ouchies?"

"No." Responded the girl.

"Tata doesn't want ouchies either, so we should say sorry and not do it again. Okay?"

Taehyung watched Eunmi nod at what Sooyoung said and then turn to him. "Sowwy Tata."

After she apologized, Sooyoung placed her in her playpen, taking the lollipop away and giving her, her sippy cup. In no time Eunmi settled and laid down. That was something he had been trying to do for the past thirty minutes, but the toddler kept running away or pretending to give in—hitting him in some way and then running away again. When Sooyoung turned to face him, he had this look of admiration on his face as he watched her with loving eyes. She blushed, walking over to the kitchen because she was, after all, really hungry and wanted that damn ice cream.

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