The Wedding Planner

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            Park Sooyoung had always been intrigued by the concepts of soulmates. To have one be destined to another made her young heart skip with excitement at finally finding her own one day.

As a young child, she yearned to see the moments a soulmate would find their other half. She would hear stories about how mere strangers would pass by each other and feel the pull, meeting the one meant for them.

She glorified in reading about what was to come when a soulmate finds their other half. Not one meeting is the same, but all have the same elements of knowing deep inside that their soulmate is around.

The eleven rules were inevitable. One always had a soulmate and if one decides to reject that soulmate the possibility of having had two, was rare. What intrigued her the most, was the ninth rule because no one she had known ever knew what it meant to have no soulmate but a stronger bond out there.

Sooyoung, as young as the age of six, could not wait to find her soulmate and have a relationship like her parents. The love and comfort they offered each other with one touch—let her know nothing in the world could be better than having a soulmate.

Her want to find her soulmate was what made her be so friendly and outgoing. Everybody she met she would greet happily, only to have her smile falter at realizing they were not her soulmate; once she was thirteen. No one felt the signs before then, considering children wouldn't understand them.

Years she watched her friends find theirs and years she waited patiently, smiling happily for those who had theirs. Park Sooyoung was not a jealous girl. She lived to see the happiness of others. Their joy was her own and her smile always brought joy to everyone around her. So, they called her, Joy. The vitamin of their life.

It was to no surprise to her family and friends that she chose to become a wedding planner. Her favorite pass time was to read about and watch people fall in love. Now it was her job, making their dreams come into a reality.

Being a wedding planner was a tough job. There were many meetings with brides and grooms and the mother of both the brides and grooms. Initially she was the mediator that helped all parties come to an agreement on what the wedding would look like. She became good at keeping a set schedule and would always carry around her red planner that held all her meetings and ideas. It was like a journal to her that marked every meeting she has ever had with anyone, down.

Today was like any other day for Joy. She awoke early—knowing that her day would be busy from start to finish. The sun shone in through her window, lighting the room up brightly. Turning over on her bed, she checked her phone. Already four missed calls from the bride, one of her best friends growing up: Seungwan.

Groggily she got up, checking her messages as she did. It was to no surprise for her to see how her friend was having jitters at the fact of being married. Seungwan was the first close friend she had, meet her soulmate.

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