I Dream of You

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18+ MATURE CONTENT: sexual situations, the italics portions, feel free to skip



                         "At least you're eating more now. That's good." 

He felt like a child. Ever since he passed out and everyone found out, Yerim has been hovering over him like a mother hen. Sure, he felt weaker but he felt constrained down. Irene had made sure to not let him go abroad, which kept him at the studio and he hated it. He just wanted to get on a plane and leave. She wasn't allowing it and when he asked Seokjin to make his woman leave him alone, Seokjin replied with saying he wasn't because he also would do the same. 

Even Suga was asking how he was doing when Taehyung wanted to know how he was doing. 

It had probably been a couple of weeks. Maybe less. Time seemed to work different for him now. Every time he felt himself go numb, he would either get a text from Mark or Seulgi. When he was really bleak, he would get a phone call from Jisung who was already back home but kept contact with him. Jisung made him feel more than the other two. Just hearing his voice, it made think if Sooyoung and automatically he would smile. 

Sooyoung. He missed her so much. He just wanted to see her but he didn't know where she was. He was positive he bonded. He was sure of it. So, why wasn't he going insane? Seulgi said it worked differently for him. It always had worked differently. He was clueless but too tired to even ask. 

He wasn't the only who missed her. Jisung said how they hadn't heard from her. He tried to message her but her number had changed. Jisung didn't even have her new number. So, when no one was around he left to go see her. When he got there and knocked, he stood there waiting for a solid hour before an elderly woman from across the hall told him the pretty woman living there had recently moved. 

It was like she disappeared and it was driving him nuts not being able to see her. What day was it? He wasn't sure. He just knew it was damn too long since he last spoke with her. His Sooyoung. No one could tell him she wasn't his. He heard the ringing, louder than ever and it reminded him of Bali. He felt the pull, so strong it made him anxious to just go to her. But Seulgi said he didn't fully completely the bond. He may be aware now that this whole time Sooyoung was his, but it wasn't completed and until he completed it; he was stuck waiting with no real way to prove what he felt and making her believe. 

He thought it was all bullshit. It wasn't fair. Yet Seulgi refused to tell him why everything was different with them. Of course, she didn't know how they first met. He just couldn't help but wonder if she was always his—why did he not feel it then? Why not in Bali when they made love to each other and her memory was forever engraved on his skin? 

Taehyung paused. He was too preoccupied with numbing out any thoughts of Irene, he drank. His senses were numb. The only thing he took with him was her sweet scent and touch. He was an idiot. 

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