Don't Leave Me

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                  She wasn't sure what day it was. She just knew it was maybe three days since she was staying with Taehyung and he was nothing but sweet to her. It melted her heart more and more each day. It melted it so much she cried herself to sleep last night because of the fact that she would eventually have to let him go. It hurt her and even though she pretend to be asleep—she felt him come in and soothe her back to sleep by playing with her hair. 

He wasn't there when she woke up. She was making food. Just recently she found out he usually never takes home made food to work. As a thank you for letting her stay and buying pretty much all the new clothing she had now, she was making him food. He was still sleeping. If she remembers he was up really late editing. 

Her routine was almost back to normal. She was supposed to meet with a new client today and on Saturday she was going to meet with Mark and Sana again. 

Joy was done cooking the omelets when she heard the footsteps of Taehyung. Beside his footsteps she could hear the tiny scuttling of Yeontan. That little puppy made her so happy. She still wanted one of her own and last night she kept looking at the picture of the Maltese she wanted. 

She glanced behind her when she heard a yawn. Taehyung was stretching at the entrance of the kitchen. His shirt rode up a bit, exposing the bottom of his abdomen. His sweats were riding low and she had to glance away. Heat going up her cheeks from the lewd thoughts that entered her mind from the previous dreams she had. 

"What are you making?" 

She jumped, he was so close to her that it surprised her how quickly he walked behind her and how she managed not to hear him. 

"Well, this is for your lunch I made. Your actual breakfast is on the table." she gestured with her head. 

Taehyung nodded with a hum and walked to the table to eat. She peeked from the corner of her eye to watch him clap his hands together in thanks before eating. He took a sip of the soup before looking at her. 

"Don't worry, I think of you that way all the time too." 

Joy spun back, finishing the plating of his food. Beet red from his comment and proceeded to make herself busy while she could hear his deep chuckle behind her. He always did that. Read her like a book that she was starting to wonder if he really could read her thoughts. 

"You're meeting with someone today, right?" he started a conversation as she finished washing the dishes. 

"Yes. A new bride. Her name's Doyeon. She's pretty young but she doesn't want to wait anymore. I think it's cute." 

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