Stolen Time

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Wednesday, January 13th, 2021

                        The small moment with Taehyung replayed on her mind over and over again. Her lips had been seared by him, like he had marked her and she couldn't help but think she wasn't where she needed to be. 

She cared for Eunwoo. His smile that always made his eyes turn into crescents was her favorite. He treated her like she was the most precious thing in the world and she probably was to him. She didn't doubt what he felt. At least—she tried not to doubt it. Eunwoo, sometimes the look in his eyes was off. 

Joy was currently sitting inside a café that was near their apartment complex. It was her place to find peace and solitude because living with Eunwoo meant constant watching. He did have a job. He was a CEO of a new company but he could do a lot of work from home and that was inconvenient for her. Never in her life did she feel she needed more space—until now. She missed the times she was alone, more often than not.

She watched the people pass and sighed. She missed her friends but she was too afraid to even contact them. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to see Taehyung again. She missed him, too much if she thought about it. He was just familiar to her and no friend would kiss her like he did. They had something. It was almost real. It was too real. Her thoughts were conflicting her. If she found Eunwoo why did she still have lingering feelings for him and why did it feel like Eunwoo was trying to erase him? 

That was the only logical explanation for why she moved and why her phone changed. Whenever she was remotely close to saying his name, which she never did, Eunwoo would stiffen and kiss her. His kiss, it was so hypnotizing. She wasn't sure if she enjoyed it or feared it.

Looking back to her iPad, she was supposed to be working for a new client but got distracted looking at pictures of Maltese. Ever since the dreams, she wanted one. But Eunwoo didn't like dogs. She was pouting, seeing a cute Maltese puppy that she wanted to badly adopt. 

Joy jumped when someone tapped the glass she was sitting in front of. Holding her heart she noticed it was Irene and Seulgi who were waving at her. Just seeing her friends made her smile and watch them come inside. 

"Joy! I've missed you so much! I can't believe it's been so long. I find it unfair only Tae saw you New Year's but that boy needed it." Irene was hugging her tightly.

"How are you?" Seulgi asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. 

The touch made her start to cry. Irene immediately dragged her to a booth while Seulgi gathered her things. She hadn't been asked how she was doing in such a long time. Just the previous day she was finally able to talk to her mother after so long. She also talked to Jisung who said he was doing a good and still talking to his bro. She didn't know what he meant. Her mother had cried, mumbling things she didn't know but telling her to just let her heart lead and not her mind. It was like her mother needed her to get away from what she was currently doing and living with—Eunwoo. 

Maybe she was overwhelmed with everything. That was probably why she was crying. 

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