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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

                       "You look so happy Joy."

"They're like the perfect couple, if you think about it."

"Is no one going to ask why she's wearing a turtleneck though?"

"They took so long coming together, of course they'll have a longer honeymoon stage. Don't know how they restrained themselves from jumping each other just by being nearby."

Joy was holding her cheeks as she heard her friends talking about her and Taehyung. It was embarrassing to say the least. One thing was right though, she was happy. Irene had noticed from the moment she walked into the restaurant where they were having lunch—all without their significant other. Taehyung had work but he had a harder time saying goodbye and Irene, who was the first to arrive had seen it all. All the hugs and him clinging to her, saying "I purple you" about five times before kissing her a little too passionately to have been in public and then hugging her again. He didn't want to let go and pouted at her. She got him to leave after she told him that the faster he went to work and got things done, the faster he could be home—she was going to have dinner prepared and the thought of her being domestic made his boxy smile come out and never leave. She was happy.

"Taehyung has this giant grin on his face when he's at work. You can't get it to disappear. It's like a permanent feature on him. All the female models swoon because usually he's so stoic and intimidates him." Irene was picking at her salad as she spoke. "But then he makes sure to flaunt that ring of his and their faces all fall—realizing he's taken and that giant grin is because of that woman who put that ring on his finger. You, Joy."

She smiled, biting her bottom lip. She loved that ring and how he thought about them even when he thought she picked someone else. He—like she once thought about Jungkook and briefly about Eunwoo—was actually perfect. Taehyung was so considerate and loving towards her. The only time he wasn't was when he wanted her and she was exhausted from his constant want and need.

"He designed the rings and had them made before we even came back from Taiwan."

"I always knew he was a hopeless romantic. Even after everything that happened." Yerim was sipping her drink and shrugged.

That was something she had yet to ask Taehyung about but they would be visiting his mother in a week and maybe she could learn more. They had already video chatted and the moment she saw his mother—the latter burst into tears and said how she was exactly who she pictured her son being with. It made her grimace a little. She had been afraid his mother wouldn't like her. Not after Yerim told her how their mother wanted Irene for Taehyung for so many years. So, seeing the older female made her slightly weary—until she saw her older friend looking at a picture of her and Seokjin on her phone.

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