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                He twirled the letter in his hands as he laid in his bed. It had been a couple of days since he received it but he couldn't get himself to read it. He didn't know what it would say and he wasn't sure he wanted to know. His mind kept going back and forth from curiosity and dread.

Joohyun had left him and now—almost five years later she was coming back. With determination, he opened the letter and began to read it before he would regret it.



I am so sorry that I just left when you told me not to. I didn't know how to be true with what was going on. When we met and you looked at me like I was the most important thing in the world to you, I couldn't face telling you I hadn't felt anything. You were so sweet. Talking about how you were pulled to me and heard the ringing of it being true. I couldn't bare to tell you how I didn't feel any of that.

You probably know how our feelings never connected, it was because you may have bonded with me but I never did with you. I went along with the emotions because the longer I knew the more I fell in love with you.

I love you, Taehyung. I grew to love you but didn't want it to be based on just a bond you felt. I thought, maybe if I went away I would feel that ache for you. Maybe it was real but I just didn't pay much attention. Leaving you was the hardest decision I ever made. I was so in love, I wanted to spend the rest of my days with you. I was sure that I would get on the plane and feel that pull that needed me to go back to you. The thing is, there wasn't one.

Your mother mentioned how she was afraid you were fooling around with other girls and though it broke my heart I knew it was because I left you. I didn't feel lasting pain as if I had been betrayed. I felt nothing. Had she not said anything—I would have never suspected anything.

But Taehyung, I don't care about the bond. I don't care that we're not soulmates. I want you. I want to be with you. Please, give us another chance. The past four and a half years without you have made me realize how much I miss and love you.

I love you,


After reading the letter, he dropped it on the counter. She had known all along and went along with him thinking they were soulmates. He understood why she did what she did but it still left him with a broken heart. Watching the girl he loved leave and without a word for all those years. He would have forgiven her had she told him. He would have told her how it was okay because he didn't believe in the stupid bond and they would have made it work. But she didn't and he didn't know if he could take her back. She left him weeks after his birthday.

Glancing to the counter he saw Joy's planner. Yerim had taken a peak at it the previous night and called her uptight and precise. She was supposedly the opposite of him. He could only chuckle because Joy, no matter how attractive he found her, had finally found her soulmate. It wasn't like she would fool around with him anyway. He also hadn't seen her around and though he saved her number under Sexy Dynamite, he wasn't going to call her. He would never admit it out loud but seeing her bond had disappointed him.

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