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                 "Are you sure you're okay? I'm not leaving you if you're not."

Taehyung threw his head back and groaned. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he found Irene to be smothering him. She gave him a glare but he shrugged it off. 

It all happened a week ago when he had come back from Wendy and Hoseok's house. He ended up leaving earlier than everyone else when he found out Namjoon would drive the couple back. After the awkward encounter between him and Jungkook with Joy, he avoided the latter like the plague. He did end up speaking to Jungkook again. Whatever it was he and Joy had talked about made their relationship normal again. The younger was talkative and telling him about his plans of taking Joy on a trip to celebrate being a month together, which was on Sunday, from what Jungkook had said if he remembered correctly. He didn't. Most the time they spoke he couldn't get it out of his mind that Seulgi had called Joy, Sooyoung.

Other than saying bye to everyone and making new friends, it seemed luck was on his side when he ran into an old man who was renting out his unit a floor below Wendy and Hoseok. He was moving to the countryside but wanted to give an option for someone to be able to afford a good home. His late wife has taught him that and he just wanted to give back. Taehyung took down the information to give it to Suga, which he did. His friend was moving in today.

The reason why Irene was protective of him was because once they had eaten dinner and were enjoying a movie, late into the night, when he started feeling pain again. This time it was stronger and lasted longer. His heart was beating at erratic beats—sometimes skipping beats. He could hear his heart pulsing in his ears and he couldn't breath. His breathing hitched, he was hyperventilating before he knew it, he was on the floor clinging to his chest. Irene had screamed, not knowing what to do. 

The last thing he remembered were tears coming from his eyes, feeling this immense pain before he passed out from it all. He awoke the next day in his bed with Jimin watching him intently.

According to Irene, she hadn't called them but they were there. Jimin was of no greater help by saying Seulgi told him what was going to happen and why. He was left clueless as was Irene. Every moment she got, she would mother him. A week passed and he was fine. Maybe he had a heart condition and next week Irene had set up an appointment to get him checked out. He didn't stop her.

"Irene, I'm fine. Trust me. Just go run the errands you need to and we'll make it to our dinner appointment."

"Fine. I'm just scared. You may have passed out but you were convulsing. I thought you were dying."

It had felt like he was dying. "I'm fine, babe. Stop worrying."

Irene pouted but nodded. She leaned down to give him a peck on the lips before leaving. They were closer. Not the same. Never the same. He was comfortable with her and somehow they had fallen into a routine. At work no one knew. She wasn't ready to explain to anyone why they weren't soulmates yet together. He felt the same and agreed. It wasn't like he wanted to parade her around anyway.

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