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                 It had probably been the most peaceful night sleep she had had in a long time. She only woke up because someone was licking her hand. It was weird, she could have sworn that she was previously being held in someone's arm as they whispered sweet nothings into her ear. In her dreams—it was Taehyung.

Joy sat up and noticed the puppy that had been licking her fingers jump back. Automatically she softened and waited for the puppy to warm up to her. She picked them up and got him close to her face. He was so tiny and adorable. A Pomeranian she had seen before. She looked around the room and it wasn't familiar to her.

The smell of food beckoned her out. She made her way to standing, holding the puppy in her arms. She was wearing clothing that was not her own and large around her frame. This was a male's clothing. Opening the door she peeked out and noticed someone sitting on the couch, on the phone talking in a hushed voice. In the kitchen were two other people. One was cooking and the other was just helping them.

Last night had not been a dream. She had called Jimin and Taehyung had found her. The moment he was in front of her she felt warm. She felt that she would be safe. That could only mean—this was his apartment that she had once been in but only the living room.

It was like everything came back to her. Her memories with Taehyung, every single one. She ached, but it stopped when she numbed it down. Taehyung had been talking on the phone and he snapped his head in her direction the moment she felt nothing. He stood up, saying he would call back whoever he was talking to, back.

"You're awake?"

She nodded, wanting to step back when he came close but he took a hold of her elbow in such a gentle and tender manner. It was the opposite of how Eunwoo had held her.

"I see Yeontan likes you."

"Yeontan?" he nudged his head to indicate the puppy in her arms. "He's yours?"

"Yeah, I just adopted him recently. Do you like him too?"

She smiled. "He's cute and so tiny."

"I feel he loves anyone that loves him. I trust you with my son."

Joy could feel herself feel light at his words. His hand was still on her elbow but it felt like he was keeping himself at a distance she would be comfortable with. Like he was stopping from coming closer to her. The moment she thought that he stepped forward—closing their gap and cupping her face.

"I am and it's so hard."

Her breath hitched, she was trying to search his eyes and they looked pained. He was hurt. Maybe not like her but he was hurt. He watched her for a few more beats, in where all she could hear was how her heart was beating and the longer he stared the faster it went. Too soon he let go, taking his warmth from her and walked to the table where Seulgi and Jimin were done setting up the food. She almost forgot they weren't alone.

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