I Purple You

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Saturday, December 11th, 2020

                        Joy needed to move but she didn't want to. She laid in bed. Her hand was stretched out to the empty side of her bed. No one was there at night. No one was there in the morning. She was alone and had been alone the whole time. She blinked, in a phase thinking back to when she last was with Taehyung.

A lot happened that day. He was gone the next day on a trip for work. Singapore was where Yeri told her he went. He was supposed to be back, but he got another call from a magazine in America. She wasn't sure when he would be back. He was in California.


Joy didn't expect to have fallen asleep or wake up to Taehyung watching her and holding her hand. They were at the beach like she had asked. He was perfect. If she thought Jungkook was perfect, Taehyung was the perfection of that perfect. But like Jungkook, he wasn't hers and she couldn't do that again. Not with him. Never with Taehyung—it would truly break her.

She physically felt herself close off. She didn't know he would—if he had. Maybe he did, he did drop her hand and cup her face. Searching for something.

"Don't do this, Sooyoung."

She wanted to cry. She loved her name coming from his lips. She touched his lips, feeling him jump from the contact. He was still so warm. Her finger tips tingled from his heat. If only she could feel him. Fell his emotions so she could know for a certainty that he was hers like she so wished he was.

"Please, baby don't do this."

He was sad. His eyes were sad and he started to cry, bringing her close to him. What had she done? It was only right. She was not going to keep someone who didn't belong to her. She forced a smile on her face, trying to feel it from the inside. Taehyung was shaking his head, crying in front of her.

"Come on."

She pulled back, getting out of the car and walking away from her feelings. She let the sea breeze hit her face, expanding her arms out. It felt refreshing. It was the perfect goodbye. She laughed bitterly. There was no such thing as a perfect goodbye. She didn't want to say goodbye—if she could she would never say goodbye. Smiling she turned back, Taehyung had followed her. His eyes were sad and red, she could only smile as he walked towards her with hands in his pocket.

She approached him, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward. It didn't escape her how he jumped at her touch. She ran them until the edge of the water. She let go of his hand, rolled up her pants and took off her shoes. Gleefully she ran into the water, accepting the cold.

She ran back, as the wave increased. For the first time in the last couple of hours she felt the happiness come from inside. Joy spun, brightly smiling, and stopped when Taehyung cupped her face and kissed her.

She held his arms, kissing him back. It was too bittersweet. She loved him. She was in love with him. The world hated them. Their first meeting wasn't a blessing, it was a curse. She pulled back and glanced at his pained eyes.

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