His Bond, His Love

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                    "Tae, are you okay?"

Taehyung was perfectly fine a few moments ago just talking to Jimin and Seulgi who came to see him and his new puppy, Yeontan. But his heart started to hurt—more than ever before. He was having a difficult time breathing. It felt like someone was physically squeezing his lungs and heart. He leaned over, grasping the table. This time was so different. A more painful feeling, not his own.

"It's the bond. She's in trouble."

His eyes widened as he looked at Seulgi. Sooyoung was in trouble. It made sense the extra pain he felt. He was hurting her. This wasn't betrayal—this was something else. Something forcefully trying to come between them. He hadn't heard from her, no one had. Not after their last argument. He had no clue how to get her back but this time, he didn't want her in such pain. This horribly, unbearable pain.

He felt his body convulse as this searing pain shot up his left arm, reaching the deepest parts of him. Seulgi ran by his side and grasped at something he couldn't see. The pain lessened by he still cradled his wrist. Another burst of chests pain came again.

Grasping the edge of the table he tried to breath in deeply. Suddenly, it stopped. He could breath again. Only now he was crying and couldn't seem to stop. An emotion foreign to him swelled up inside of him as soon as the pain stopped. He looked confused at his friends, wiping at the tears he couldn't stop but he felt broken and hurt. He remembered this feeling. It wasn't as strong. He wanted to die from the pain and suddenly he thought he heard her call out to him. 

Taehyung snapped his eyes open. The pain left but he was consumed by rage and the want to hurt Eunwoo more than any other person before. He felt such an animalistic rage to cause undeniably pain to the man who took Sooyoung and was currently hurting her.

As fast as it came, it was gone. There was only silence and light ringing in his ears. He felt dizzy, he wanted to pass out. Yeontan was whimpering beside him as if he could feel his distress.

Seulgi passed him tissues even though she was crying too. He could see her own pain and how Jimin scrunched his face—feeling what she felt. It made more sense now. He felt Sooyoung's pain and she called out to him. 

"I'm sorry. I should have protected you better. I should have allowed others to help and keep you safe but I was selfish. I'm sorry, Tae."

"Why would I blame you?" he was catching his breath again. The only person he blamed was Eunwoo.

"Because I knew all along. The moment I saw you with Jimin I knew about the special bond you had. I thought telling you would ruin it but I should have told you how she's always been yours. Tae, Sooyoung's your twin flame."

Before he could speak Jimin's phone started to ring. What did she mean by twin flame? It was real? Twin flames still existed in this world? And how did Seulgi even know and he remained clueless? But something in him felt reassured about all his past thoughts and emotions.

His thoughts stopped and he twitched when he heard Jimin answer the phone. "Joy?"

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