*Special 1: Fight*

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18+ MATURE CONTENT WARNING: explicit sexual scene .... very explicit 

Saturday, August 20th, 2022

             Joy was trying to walk away as fast as she could. She was angry. Angry with the whole situation and how ridiculous it was. Taehyung had—practically yelled at her in public. She was ready to slap him but held it back. She knew this day would come. The day they would fight and argue over something petty. It was like their honeymoon stage was finally over. It only took about a year and six months since they became a couple.

She was the first to arrive to the unit they were staying in—in Italy. So far, they had been to five different countries and this was their first European one. It was a nice summer afternoon and she thought she looked beautiful and dressed up for him. He didn't see it that way. She managed to make it as far as the kitchen island before the door was slammed closed. She jumped and turned to look at a very angry Taehyung. He placed his camera gear down on the couch before approaching her.

"Do you enjoy it?"

She scoffed and crossed her arms at him. "You're delusional."

"I'm delusional? Do you see yourself? Are you that desperate for attention that you flaunt your body to horny men?"

Joy bit her lip and this time she didn't hold back from slapping him across the face. "Fuck you, Taehyung! I would never look at anyone but you."

"You could have fooled me." he was smirking—his cheek red from her slap.

She automatically wanted to apologize and kiss his cheek. Fighting didn't befit them. Sure—there was a time when they had kind of done the silent treatment to each other—but that was torture enough. The majority of the time they didn't fight. They talked things through. But she had every right to be angry with him if he mentioned flirting. She tried to stomp away; her goal was to lock herself in their room but he held her arm. His face changed. He seemed to regret what he said because he cupped her face and that was when she realized she had been crying.

"Soo, baby..."

She pushed his hand away. "No. This isn't fair Tae! All last night I had to watch you flirt with models and saw as they would touch you. Even when I was there! They don't care about the bond and I had to watch. Do you know how much that hurt? It made me think of the last time you touched me in that way. So, I dressed like this for you. I dressed with this blue checkered dress for you. But you didn't say anything. What did you expect me to do? Not smile when someone pointed out how pretty I looked?"

She swallowed down her tears but it was pointless. She was a crying mess. Since coming to Italy about two weeks ago, she had gained weight. She felt that maybe he didn't like it and it made her so insecure. To see tall, skinny, models be all over him was her final straw. All day she hadn't eaten. It wasn't healthy but she didn't want to lose the only man she ever truly loved and would ever love with all her heart.

Considering Taehyung wasn't saying anything, she figured it would be safe to walk away now. Besides, she was left humiliated when Taehyung called her a whore under his breath in Italian. Why was she the one crying and why was he the one mad?

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