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Sunday, November 8th, 2020

                 Her thoughts kept going back to Taehyung. Unconsciously she would periodically touch her lips with a slight smile on them. He still cared for her. She knew he did when he rung her bell and she saw him standing there—leaning against the door and seeming to have ran to her place. She had been chopping onions when she felt a connection be lost. A minute or so later she received a message from Jungkook apologizing and saying he really did love her. She put two and two together and knew he had found his soulmate. She loved him too, but it was more of a familial love the moment her she read that message.

Joy had already mentally prepared herself for it. Speaking with Irene and knowing her story was a good way to prepare. It was for the best, anyway. At the end of their run—her and Jungkook—she could tell neither of them were truly happy and just not wanting to hurt the other. What she hadn't expected was for Taehyung to come to her, for her sake. She just knew the moment she saw him, she felt less heavy and relief. Taehyung, he was dangerous for her heart. One gentle look in his eyes and she would bend to his will. Not having a bond with Jungkook, she wasn't afraid of how she felt towards the man. So, when he kissed her, she didn't hesitate to kiss back.

It was euphoric in ways it hadn't been with Jungkook. What had stopped her, other than feeling her chest was going to burst from all the emotions she was feelings and building up, was the fact she had met Tzuyu earlier in the day. She had kissed someone else's soulmate and it made her feel guilty.

Taehyung didn't stick around much after. She had reminded him of Tzuyu and she saw the guilt in his eyes at her reminder.

She had almost forgotten that Seulgi and Jimin were hiding until both came out. Jimin was smirking, Seulgi only said it was unexpected—what they had witnessed. She had nothing to say and went back to cooking, trying to calm her beating heart. It was a hard thing to do. All she could think about was how he looked at her and who it was so effortless for their lips to meet and for her to kiss him back. Her heart should have been just broken because she was alone again. It wasn't. It had elated and Taehyung took over her every thought.

"It should be fun!"

Yeri was explaining a game to them all. They were all currently at the Han River, having a picnic. It seemed like a good way to have everyone meet—and a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon. All were there, but Taehyung who went to pick Tzuyu up. Joy had thought it would have been awkward being with Jungkook and Yeri, yet it was the total opposite. She already loved Yeri from the beginning and even though she and Jungkook had a past, she was happy to see him smiling again. Their last month together felt like they were just together for the sake of it and she hadn't seen his gleeful smile for a really long time. The moment they were intimate—it all seemed to go downhill from there. There fights began and their arguments increased—all ending with his repetitive words: that he loved her.

It wasn't awkward because they—Jungkook and Yeri—fit so well as they would often bicker with each other but in a clearly in a loving way. She just couldn't help but think how Yeri was perfect for him with her young energy. Watching them was like watching two pieces of a puzzle coming together. They balanced each other out.

The moment she and Jungkook saw each other, he pulled her aside and apologized again. She told him it was fine and he said how his love for her wasn't an act. But his love and want for Yeri was on another level. She got what he meant because she still loved him too, just differently and when he said that he could feel her, she smiled. When they looked at Yeri watching them talk she had laughed because before they turned, Jungkook had told her he could feel how nervous Yeri was at that moment. Indeed, she had been, while watching.

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