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Thursday, March 12th, 2021

                 "I can't believe you'll really be going." 

Joy was going through her items and tagging them with a sticker to sell. Other things she was moving to Taehyung's apartment. They were going to be keeping his apartment so they had a place to stay whenever they had time to visit. Especially when they would be back for Mark and Sana's wedding. Taehyung was their photographer and his soon to be new boss understood the importance of keeping his word and promise for a job he had already signed up for. 

She was able to meet him. He was an Italian man who started off a freelance photographer and built his company that was a travel magazine and a humanitarian one as well. He was excited to meet her considering Taehyung had told him how there was a chance he would decline the offer. She was happy he didn't. 

"We still have a few weeks before it's all settled. Like, I need to sell this apartment and then we do have a court date." 

She stopped looking at the tags and glanced to Yeri and Seulgi who were with her. Seulgi had been a mixture of a crying mess and supportive. It had a lot to do with the fact that she was going to be spending a week with Jimin's family and she was worried about it all. Joy thought it was cute how her friend was nervous, considering she and Jimin were heading towards their seven-months together. Yeri was only there because Jungkook was busy and she still felt like she had made it up to Joy for what had previously happened. She was also informed of what had happened when they had gone to visit their mother. 

"You're a lot more selfless than I thought. I'm sorry." Yeri was handing her a cloth, will tagging her place they were also cleaning it. 

"Yeri, I already said it was okay. Besides, I think we're even for me having forgotten your birthday due to the news revelation." 

"Tae's still mad at me. He said I really shouldn't have just taken all my insecurities out on him and then—he told me what happened and how you could have been selfish like our mother had been. I'm really sorry, Joy. I'm a horrible future sister-in-law. I ruined my own birthday by struggling with seeing my worth. Not even Jungkook could make it better." 

There was one down side to finding out the truth about Taehyung's father, there were left over ill feelings between him and his mother. He didn't hate her, he just needed time to have the disappointment pass. Or so he had told her. She also had him contact his father and found out he was living abroad in Japan. One of their first stops was to visit him and see how he was doing and meeting his little half brother. 

"Are things better with Jungkook?" she asked instead of agreeing with Yeri, who was still young. 

"I give him more space and trust him more. I almost snapped when I saw his classmate, Eunha, all over him. But I didn't approach them and I guess ... he felt me and was so into the task at hand he didn't even know or notice Eunha getting closer to him. He only noticed when he felt me and saw me cry. Joy I don't deserve him! He literally stood up and walked up to me in the doorway and kissed me in front of her, introducing me as the love of his life who also happens to be his soulmate. I'm so insecure." 

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