The Planner

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                 Two days ago he was left confused about what really were the rules of soulmates. After finding out that Suga had made a soulmate bond with Wendy but she had not, he had to call his sister. Yerim was surprised and didn't know how to answer but told him she would be doing some research. He was still waiting for her to call back.

Suga was still in the hospital. He would visited him for the past two days. Now that it was Saturday, he could spend more time with his friend. Taehyung had always been skeptical about soulmates and the bond that took place. Even more so after his past with Joohyun. Seeing Suga, who was going through withdrawals as if he was addicted to a drug, made him kind of believe it perhaps was all real and he just never experienced it like he thought he did. 

The first time he saw the mental state of Suga without the medication, scared him. His friend started to convulse in the bed, gripping his head, screaming nonstop. Ever so often he would let out words, saying he wanted to see her. He wanted to be with her. It always ended up with him in tears, as the nurses would administer his medication through his IV. 

That was were he currently was. Still shaken after seeing yet another attack. Taehyung could only sit and watch his friend sleep. He didn't know what to do for him. It wasn't like he was actually friends with Wendy and Hoseok. If he asked Jimin, it would be weird and he would have to explain. Suga had told him, he didn't want anyone to know about it. 

So he let his thoughts consume him. They sent him back to Friday, the day before. He thought that maybe talking to Joohyun would be enough but it wouldn't be that easy. Not only did she live across the hall from him, she was also the new junior editor that had been talked about in the past couple of weeks. He saw her everywhere. Last night, he decided it would be best to stop fighting his own heart and just allow them another chance. She was happy and told him to call her Irene. It was a new start for them and that was the name she went by while studying abroad and at work. 

He was still getting used to calling her Irene, other than that it was like there had never been a change. On her part. On his part—he could feel it. He could physically feel how he didn't need to be with her. He didn't want to always be by her. He liked her, yes, he still did—kind of. Yet, it wasn't the love he had for her back when they were together. It wasn't the desire that came with thinking she was his soulmate and wanting to know how she felt. 

His thoughts were stopped when the door was slid open. Taehyung didn't have to look back to know who it was. Jeon Jungkook dropped by everyday for at least an hour. He had gotten to know Suga more and became Suga's main distraction. A distraction he couldn't be, because he didn't have a soulmate. Suga wanted to know what it was like to have one. In reality—he also wanted to know what it was like to have one. 

He didn't necessarily dislike Jungkook. He just didn't need to know everything about him and Joy. How much he likes being with her. How she's a great cook and always so caring. How she always thought about him and how thoughtful she was in general. How he found it cute that any romance film could reduce her to tears. He especially did not need to know how much Jungkook was attracted to her and her body. He didn't need to know that; because he already knew it himself. He already experienced it himself. He would never admit it but Joy would invade his thoughts more often than she should. 

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