Ah, You

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Friday, March 19th, 2021

                    Currently she was smelling the fresh oregano. She had just finished picking out the vegetables that were needed and was just looking through the spices. Taehyung had gone and gotten some napkins and pastas. She was picking the ones she wanted when she heard items being put on her cart and then as arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled, looking to see Taehyung leaning his head on her shoulder. 

Joy found it amusing that every time they went out, Taehyung would somehow become more clingy. He always had to be touching her one way or another—to stick his claim—as he would say. She always made the point to tell him the ring on her finger was claim enough but he did have a point that when he wasn't around it didn't mean men wouldn't flirt with her. 

She found that aspect odd. She had asked her mom about it the night before she left—her mother spent about three days with them and helped with settling some things before they left at the end of the beginning of April. Taehyung was at work and so she felt comfortable asking. Ever since she and Taehyung officially bonded, men would flirt and come up to her more often than before. Her mom didn't have an answer for her question only that it happens and maybe more for her because she was a twin flame and their stronger bond alerted more men. She figured it was the same for Taehyung. She just never brought it up because it wasn't that she thought him jealous it was more that she rather not think of how many women do that with him. 

"Who was it that wanted pasta for the party?" he asked as he tightened his hold on her and snuggled his face on the crook of her neck. "Soo, baby have I told you how amazing you smell?" 

She giggled at his words and actions. "I think you like to say that periodically and Irene has been craving pasta." 

"Ah," she pouted when Taehyung pulled back and let go of his hold on her. He took her hand and played with her ring, running his thumb over it. "Pregnancy cravings sound fun." 

"What if I crave pickles and peanut butter?" 

"First, that is disgusting to even think about and second, I wouldn't care because it would be what baby wanted." 

Joy didn't know how he did it, how he always made her swoon with his words and actions. She stepped forward and cupped his face to squish his cheeks with the palms of her hands. "Why are you so damn perfect?" 

"Ah, yes! You said it! You called me perfect." he smiled regardless of her holding his face and she laughed at how ridiculous he looked. "I'm only perfect because you're perfect, my Sooyoung."

She dropped her hands and flushed. "I like that ... a lot." 

"What?" Taehyung moved his jaw up and down from the tight hold she had before pulling her closer to him. 

"When you call me yours. I know it's weird to like you being all possessive but I like it. I like you calling me 'my Sooyoung'." 

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