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Friday, August 21st, 2020

               She wasn't sure how she felt. Her meeting with the most recent bride had gone less than expected. The bride, Minatozaki Sana, had some very specific requests that would require her to travel to Japan to even acquire them. She was stressed and the wedding was still a year away.

In about two weeks she also had to finish up the details of another wedding. She was going to be busy and although she lived for making people's dreams come true; she could feel how fatigued she was.

Wendy and Hoseok's wedding was a last minute thing that she decided to volunteer for. Joy only had herself to blame. But her friends were happy and recently got back from their honeymoon. She couldn't ask for anything more. Aside from the initial missing of the wedding photographer—her friend's wedding had gone perfectly.

The humidity was killing her though—she needed to cool down. The day was just too hot for her to walk to her home. She would be drenched and so she needed a place to be at until that evening. Looking up from where she was walking she saw a café she never had been to. Villa di Café  was the name—it sat under what looked like a luxury apartment complex. She thought to give it a try and walked in. The door chimed, announcing her arrival. From the back a bright and handsome man popped his head out.

"Welcome! How can I help you?"

"I'll just take an iced Americano." She glanced at his name tag, Baekhyun.

"Coming right up, what's the name?"

"Joy." She smiled, paid for her order and went to sit at a table by the window, near the back corner.

Once seated she took out her planner and iPad, starting on a list of the items for Sana and her soulmate Mark Tuan's, wedding that she could get her hands on soon. The list of items that were harder to get was much longer. She sighed right when another smiling, taller man, handed her, her drink.

Joy bowed and said a small thank you, noting his name tag as well; Chanyeol.

Lately she had been meeting many attractive men. She watched the two workers and wasn't surprised that majority of the customers were young high school girls. Although, she could tell something was off about the way the two workers moved around each other. Almost like they were hyper aware of each other's movements. Chuckling, she sipped her Americano and plugged in her earphones. Music, classical music, helped to calm down her nerves and work through her countless lists.

Joy was a Virgo to the T. She made lists of lists she needed to make. Without a plan she could not really function. Her life wasn't done on a whim. It needed a purpose. The last time she let herself go was when she was 20, she and her friend Hayoung decided to take a trip to Bali. That trip was the very same trip she met the mysterious man at the club that allured her. She lost her virginity to him and she constantly apologizes to her future soulmate for what took place that night. Not because it wasn't enjoyable—but because he was not her soulmate and it didn't matter how memorable it was—it didn't change the fact they weren't meant to be.

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