A Rift

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18+ MATURE CONTENT: sexual situation



Saturday, September 26th, 2020

                 Silently, sitting on the bathroom floor her thoughts consumed her with what had just taken place. It was probably two in the morning but she couldn't sleep. Something deep inside of her was making her anxious. She felt like her chest was going to collapse from how much pain it was facing. Slowly her sight clouded and tears started to fall down her face. She brought her knees up to her chest, burying her head on the top of her knees as she silently wept.

Joy knew she had made him mad. She knew he hid it the moment she started to tear up. His frustration was palpable. Pretending to understand enough to have him hold her in his arms, hearing his soft snores before she escaped his hold. He didn't yell at her. They didn't fight and maybe that would have felt better. Regardless, she felt what she was doing now was not healthy.

She knew that finding a soulmate didn't mean there wouldn't be disagreements and fights but not even being near him comforted her. It felt like all he wanted was to sleep with her and she didn't understand why. She also wanted to be intimate but she wanted to take things slower. She wanted it to be special. She didn't want to feel her body freeze up at his touch as if it were foreign. 

Sitting there she thought about all her insecurities. About not finding a soulmate and now that she has one, was she what he wanted? What if one day he decides she is too much and rejects her? He could have multiple soulmates and find another right away. But her, she doubted she had others. She felt Jungkook was her last hope to not thinking she was unworthy. 

Pulling herself together, she stood up, rinsed her face and prepared to walk back out. For now, she would try to let Jungkook know, in any way possible, that she did want to be with him. She was just scared and confused.


"He knows we're coming?"


Joy was currently sitting in the passenger's seat as Seokjin drove them to the hospital. Jungkook had become a frequent visitor from the moment he saved an unknown man from a fire. When she found out she worried he had been hurt but he was perfectly fine.

Jungkook then proceeded to tell her about the unfortunate case of the man named Min Yoongi. She did some research and couldn't find much about why such a thing could happen. It hurt her knowing someone else was hurting. She did read on a forum that mentioned it and she wondered if it was true. There was a small explanation for his occurrence but she didn't like the answer given—so, she rather not think about it.

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