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Wednesday, December 2nd 2020

                     They weren't giving up hope. She wasn't going to give up hope. She knew that Hoseok would recover but everyone else around them was already saying their goodbyes. Joy didn't stop crying the moment Taehyung dropped her off at the hospital and found Wendy. He hadn't stayed, driving off somewhere else. She figured he was probably going to Yoongi's. 

Wendy was sleeping when she went into the hospital room. Seokjin had offered to pay for a private suite. Joy adjusted the blanket on Wendy's shoulders before sitting on the other side and taking a hold of Hoseok's hand. He had survived the surgery but he was not waking up. That was all they were waiting on. 

"Hoseok, you have to stay. You have to wake up. Wendy needs you. If you can hear me, please wake up."

She was pleading and she had been pleading for a whole week. She cancelled all her appointments so she could spend the time with Wendy. She would see Taehyung when he would drop them off food. He always stayed until he made sure she ate, before placing a kiss on the top of her head and leaving. She didn't question him. Wendy had asked if they were dating and she didn't know how to answer that. At this point, she didn't care and wanted to be with him even if he wasn't her soulmate. Every time he came, she relaxed with his scent. She needed him more than she wanted to admit and was afraid where it would lead them to if one day, either of them did find their soulmate. 

She wanted to ask about Yoongi. From what Wendy had told her, Yoongi was the one that saw the accident occur and helped Hoseok out of the car before it exploded. He had some minor burns and abrasions, he didn't stay. It turned out all three of them had formed a pretty close friendship. Wendy felt safe with him and she knew why, yet didn't know how to tell her. 

Did Yoongi feel Wendy's pain? Is that why Taehyung would spend time with him? Did Yoongi know, about their unique bond? 

Joy couldn't help but think back to what she had read. She was hoping it would never be true but it seemed like it was coming true. Yoongi was still bonded to Wendy because Wendy's soulmate, Hoseok, was destined to die young. That was why he needed that bond. That was why it didn't hurt him if Wendy and Hoseok were together, it only hurt him to be away from her. Yoongi, was Wendy's second chance at happiness and she didn't know if Wendy would accept it. Her friend was so in love with Hoseok. Not that long ago they had talked about how she wanted to have children with him. 

Joy couldn't control her tears and started to bawl silently, leaning her head on Hoseok's hand. It hurt so much to see others in pain. Why was fate so cruel? What had her friends done to deserve this? 

The sound of the door sliding open didn't make her move. What made her look up was Taehyung's scent and his touch on her shoulder. 

"Hey, it'll be okay." he had a broken smile on his face. 

Immediately she stood up and embraced him. She held on tightly to him. She could feel him hold her, as tightly as she held him. She was afraid. She was afraid to think about not being able to hold him like this. She knew he wasn't hers. At least not officially. Even if they did share mutual feelings. It was so unfair. She wanted Taehyung. She wanted him to be her forever. To love her for the entirety of their lives. Why couldn't fate give her that one pleasure? Her heart was aching for herself, for Wendy, and for anyone who was in a sad position. 

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