I Love You

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Friday, February 12th, 2021 7:30 P.M

                   Joy probably didn't stop pacing the moment they arrived at the hospital. When Taehyung passed out she started to panic. She couldn't feel him. She couldn't feel him at all like his light suddenly went out.

Yes. Park Sooyoung woke up, still being able to feel Kim Taehyung and how his heart was hurting. She felt him for a while and then he was gone. She panicked and asked Jisung where he had gone but Jisung didn't know. He didn't allow her to leave. It only increased her anxiety.

When she was able to feel him, he was in pain. She could feel it like her own and she paced around. She wanted to see him. She needed to see him. Why wasn't he there?

She only felt relief at hearing the doorbell and seeing a strange man helping keep Taehyung upright. The sight that greeted her was of him, blood covering half his face. She was scared. What had happened? She reached for him and felt a pull to the man beside her. She took it in, felt it, let it linger, but focused back on the man she could actually feel.

She didn't have to ask, she knew he didn't want to be taken to the hospital. It was like all he wanted was to see her. She found it stupid and endearing all at once. And with the most broken voice she had ever heard him speak in—he asked her not to leave. Her heart ached and she knew it was his. She was breaking his heart. She wasn't going to leave him. He repeated himself and told her he loved her and she cried. She loves him too. So much.

By the time she kissed him he wasn't awake anymore and she couldn't feel him. She cried, turning to Jisung and telling him to call an ambulance or something. The man that had helped Taehyung offered to take them to the hospital. She let him pick Taehyung up and take them to his car. She felt the pull again and heard a ring when they made eye contact. She would deal with that later. All that consumed her was to feel Taehyung again.

"You have got to stop pacing. You're making me dizzy!"

Joy sent a glare to Jimin who recoiled but she sat down. Moving her chair closer so she could take a hold of Taehyung's hand. She couldn't feel any of him, at all, and it was scaring her.

He had been asleep for a day and a half. The doctors said it was a mix of the hit on his temple and just his own will of not wanting to stay awake. He wasn't waking up now because of the slight concussion, which was scaring her. Tonight was supposed to be the night they would all be with Seokjin and Irene but it got postponed the moment they heard what happened. She didn't leave his side—ever.

The man, Yook Sungjae would keep her company. She knew she needed to talk to him about what happened because to her surprise—he felt the pull and ring. She let him take a hold of her hand to comfort her but noted, nothing could comfort her.

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