*Special 3: Twelve Years Later*

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January 2036

The small, yet infamous flower shop came into view. It wasn't really that small. The closer she got, the bigger it was than from afar. She should've known that. Obviously, someone with such renown wealth wouldn't have a small shop to begin with. She stood a few feet away from it, hearing as the cars passed and a group of kids were heading her way, the ages seemed to vary. She looked back to the shop. It wasn't just a flower shop. It was a wedding company that came along with a photographer. Very well known. A place that had years of reservations required because it was always booked. If a wedding fell through, the date was filled up in seconds.

A wedding shop more than a flower shop. All included. A famous wedding planner, floral arrangements, and a photographer. By association, there was also a bridal shop, catering, and bakery where if the couple was lucky enough to book a date—they had to look no further for the rest of their wedding needs.


She scoffed.

The name was cliché. Too cliché. Nothing was serendipity if they were meant to be. Rolling her eyes, she stepped forward, recalling as to why she was there in the first place. Were they really as happy as the media made them to be? She stopped following their news. Growing bitter every time she would see their names pop up. How they went around the world for two years for his job. How they came back and had a small wedding that was still fit for a king and queen. How they still worked in their respective fields and managed to merge them together as well. She stopped caring after that. Hoped that it was just a façade. The first public twin flames since Joseon times. Not afraid of those who wanted to see them fail and due to that, were very protected. She still doubted it. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. It had made no sense and maybe, she should have lied. If she would have ... would things have panned out differently. She stopped those thoughts, the very thoughts that led her to where she was and why she needed to see with her own eyes.

Walking up the small path that led to the flower shop/home, she noted that regardless it being winter, the front yard decorations looked nice against the white backdrop of the snowy ground and roof. She scowled. Park Joy, the supposed perfect woman who kept proving she was nothing less than perfect.

She stood at the door, taking a deep breath in before pushing it open.

A small chime sounded. The shop was empty. Buckets of flowers filled with all sorts. Their aroma was welcoming. It was warmer inside than outside and she could even see a green house on the side that she had not noticed. They held tropical flowers and decorations. Her eyes wandered around. The front was definitely a flower shop. Behind the counter, a little more towards the back and next to double doors, were stairs. Their home. Or she had heard.

A few seconds later, the sounds of steps was heard. A young boy stuck his head out from the top of the stairs before running down the remaining steps. He blinked at her. She took him in. He looked exactly like Taehyung did. Bright eyes with a mischievous glint behind them. His lips were not Taehyung's though. No. They were hers. Joy's and yet again another scowl made it on her face.

"Hello, can I help you?" he spoke, a soft voice and a cute smile followed that resembled a box. Her heart lurched—once again the uncanny resemblance to Taehyung was there. No doubt, he was their son.

"Hi, I'm an old friend of your father." She smiled as best as she could and it didn't go past her how he looked her up and down, his smile dropping for half a beat before he smiled again.

"Dad's not home right now."

"Oh, I see." She looked around. "Are you alone?"

He shook his head.

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