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Monday, November 2nd, 2020

                  The day she had last seen Taehyung was the day her world seemed to have shattered. She felt the pain from his touch when he had touched her hickey. It left a burning sensation, like she had been branded. The moment he took a step back, her stomach dropped. She tried to salvage the situation, not understanding his reaction. But he walked away. He pushed her back. He took his name back but most importantly she felt, rejected. She felt it through her body.

Jungkook was at a loss. Every day she would be fine. They all hadn't heard from Taehyung who had gone to New Zealand for work a week later. Jungkook then went to Busan for three days and she was left alone until a knock on the door was heard and Seulgi kept her company. Every night, was a different story. She would cry, holding her chest in pain. Jungkook would hold her but she found no comfort in it. Most the time she wouldn't let him hold her—it caused him to be frustrated and sort of angry with her.

It took two days after the initial pain for her to sit him down and ask—had he even felt the signs? When he said no, looking away from her, she wasn't hurt, she was disappointed. He told her how he tried and he learned that sometimes it took time and sometimes it took them to be intimate. It made sense. She didn't regret sleeping with him—for the most part—but it felt like it was done for all the wrong reasons. He still stuck around, he hoped that one day it would happen because he had really fallen in love with her.

Joy didn't know how to react. She had spoken to Irene about it and heard her side of things. How Taehyung had bonded and she didn't but she fell in love with him anyway and how she tried distance. So, when Jungkook left and she felt nothing, she knew she was just like Taehyung. She hadn't found her soulmate. The fact alone, shattered her feelings of love for Jungkook a lot more than she anticipated. But, hadn't he just found his?

More than a month had passed and he didn't answer any of her message even though they regarded Sana's wedding. She knew he read them. It would show. She heard from Seokjin that he had come back from New Zealand and then left to Japan on another shoot. It was the same week she was there—she didn't see him.

A knock on the door made her look up. She tried to keep busy but everything just went back to that feeling of rejection. Opening the door she was greeted by Jimin and Seulgi.

"I brought ice cream!" Seulgi smiled, walking in and taking off her shoes.

Jimin patted her shoulder, soothing her. "How you doing?"

"I'm okay."

"I want to tell you, but Seulgi made me promise not to say anything. Or else I would end this stupid suffering but she said something about it messing with everything else. Anyway, we brought movies, your favorite; horror!" Jimin laughed at her expense when she cringed. "Is Jungkook coming?"

"He should be coming later."

"Good, you'll need someone to cuddle with."

Joy wanted to laugh, no one knew about her and Jungkook, yet, but the second time Seulgi came over to see her, she knew without her telling her. Seulgi only said it was for the best anyway. She was walking in and her phone beeped with a message. She looked down, looked to Jimin and Seulgi before putting on her shoes and running out of the house. She heard her name be yelled but she ignored it and she heard Seulgi tell Jimin it was okay.

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