The Photographer

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                  Kim Taehyung thought the concept of soulmates was pure and utter—bullshit. 

Why would there be only one person destined for another? What if he didn't like the person? Why were they his "perfect" everything if he didn't choose them? What if the person ended up a complete nut job? 

The mere fact that someone was assigned a soulmate from birth made him scowl. People changed, how would the gods know—or who ever assigned soulmates—who was perfect for someone else when they had not lived life for more than a few minutes? Seconds even? 

Everything about soulmates was just made up to explain to all those lonely people out there that maybe theirs passed away a long time ago. Maybe theirs was born in a different lifetime. More than hating the concept of soulmates—Kim Taehyung hated those who believed in it with all their heart. He hated the ones that lived to find their other half and glorified in the joys of being with them. 

Throughout his life, the falsity of soulmates became more and more prominent. He saw supposed destined relationships fail. No comfort came from being around them. Only arguing and fights. He witness as his father "broke" the bond after years of marriage to his mother so that he could run off and be with someone else he had apparently fallen in love with. 

If the gods were fair, his mother should have never suffered in agony, feeling the pain course through her body from his betrayal. The pain stopped the moment she renounced him as her soulmate. Or so he thought it was what she did—considering one day she stopped holding her heart in pain. The rejection took a toll on her and made her ill for majority of his youth. Taehyung was only eight when it all happened and his younger sister was four. 

His sister was one of the many people who believed in soulmates. She was too young to remember but for her—he would pretend to believe in what he knew wasn't real. She would light up when thinking of the possibility of meeting her perfect half some day in the future. He didn't need a perfect half, he had his sister who was his light. All he needed was his sister to be happy and he would be fine throughout his life. 

Years passed like that and when he was 17-years-old, he felt what others would call the bond. He felt a pull, towards a girl who was three years older than him. The moment they had made eye contact a ringing resonated within his ears. The only thing missing was that he couldn't feel what she felt like it was said he would. He didn't feel her emotions—and perhaps happiness in finding him. He wasn't sure what she was thinking when they met, but she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. 

They were together until he was 20 and she left to study abroad. It confused him, as to how she could easily leave his side when he had been told that once a soulmate is found, leaving them is the hardest thing to do. You constantly miss them and always are stressed. But she was gone, taking his heart with her. It was then that he realized he tricked himself into thinking there was such a thing as soulmates, it was then that he no longer cared. Three years of his life—he spent with her and felt he wasted those three years. 

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