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Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 

                She was turning in her bed—for the countless time that hour. Her night sleep was restless. She dreamed of that night again. With her half conscious state she knew she shouldn't be thinking about that night. Only this time it was different and she pictured V, Taehyung, as the man. Her face flushed at recalling that and how easy it was to see him and his intense stare as he made love to her while moaning out her name. A frustrated yell made it out of her mouth as she thrashed around her bed and she opened her eyes.

Joy nearly jumped at noticing Jungkook beside her. He wasn't there last night and he seemed to just be watching her sleep. His eyes were startled and it must have been from her yell and sudden movements. Her once hot and bothered body became rigid. She mentally slapped herself for thinking about V that way—so explicitly too.

"Kookie, when did you get here?"

"About an hour ago. You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you. I have a free day today. Let's do something before we meet your friend tonight."

He smiled at her and caressed her face. Something seemed off. They lately hadn't been talking much because he was busy and when they did talk there was this tense and awkward air. Now—he was like he used to be before when they first got together. She nodded and got up to get ready. Jungkook quickly made it to her side and held her close, kissing her cheek.

"I love you. You know that right?"


He had been saying it a lot just recently. Every time they saw each other. It was almost as if he was trying to reaffirm to himself that he loved her. They hadn't been intimate again and it didn't feel weird to not be together that way. Yet, there she was having a wet dream about someone who was becoming a friend to her.

"Let me get ready and we can go." she clasped her hands over his arms. Reluctantly he let go.

"I have my fall break next week. I know you're going to be busy, but .... never mind I'll ask you later. Go get ready."

Jungkook walked away before she could question it. Had she said something in her sleep? She hoped not. The last thing she needed was to fight with him over her saying another man's name in her sleep.


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