45. trouble

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                            Friday, July 7th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

                       "I'll call you when you can pick me up, okay?" I ask Harry for the hundredth time and look at him through the bathroom mirror. Harry is sitting on the lid of the toilet with his phone in his hand. I catch him nodding his head and I let out a sigh.

 Nervousness has accompanied me all day long. I started feeling like this last week already when we were at Harry's place and he told me about Sam's birthday party. We had a few arguments about it during the last week and I finally decided to go. All my friends would be there and I want to show Sam that I do care about him and that I haven't forgotten about him.

 Harry isn't very comfortable with the thought of me attending Sam's birthday party. Every day he approached me with a new worry that popped up in his mind and every time I had to assure him that everything is going to be okay. Harry even made me promise that I wouldn't do anything with drugs, involving cigarettes and alcohol.

  "Are you sure you wanna go?" Harry asks again, also for the hundredth time. I spin around and lean against the sink. My fingers grasp the edge of the sink before I start tapping a rhythm.

  "I am."

 Harry looks up from his phone and wears the same countenance like every time when we talked about Sam's birthday party—worry. Sighing, I walk over to him and straddle his lap. Harry leans back against the wall and places the hand that doesn't hold his phone on my bare thigh.

  "We talked about it, Harry." I remind him and he closes his eyes.

  "I know but I have this feeling, you know? And it tells me that you should stay here."

  "It's probably your dick and your horny mind." I tease and Harry chuckles as he opens his eyes again.

His green eyes study me and I lean forward to kiss his lips gently. I'm still amazed by the way these soft kisses feel. Kisses that aren't supposed to turn someone on, that are just shared for affection and love.

  "Now that you've mentioned it..." Harry grins and deepens the kiss with a grin. His hand moves from my thigh to my ass and squeezes it. I start laughing as I press my hand again his cheek to push his seductive lips away from mine.

  "As much as I'd love a quickie, I'm afraid I gotta go." I mumble and Harry groans before he falls back against the wall again.

 I climb off his lap and pull down my dress again that Harry has pushed up. I once again check myself in the mirror before I exit the bathroom with Harry following me. A peek out of the window tells me that Dylan is already waiting outside with Beth on the passenger seat. As I turn around to Harry to say goodbye, I catch him biting on his lips as he nervously swings back and forth on his feet.

  "Stop worrying, Harry," I giggle and kiss him again, "I love you. I'll call you later."

  "I love you." Harry says and then I leave through the front door to climb into the backseat.

 Dylan gives me a little smile through the rear view mirror. He doesn't look very comfortable. I know from  Beth that he doesn't really approve of my relationship with Harry. He thinks it was wrong of us to just get together after we destroyed two relationships. However, I don't really blame him and will give him all the times to get used to Harry and me together. At first I had my doubts as well.

 Beth on the other hand turns around in her seat with a huge grin but frowns when she sees that I'm alone. Her long black hair is in a wavy pony tail.

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