10. almost

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                         Monday, May, 29th 2017 - Redding, California


                   The bright light of the morning sun blinds me when I open one eye to take in my surroundings. Groaning, I roll to my side. Soft and long hair tickles my face. I slightly sit up and see Estelle still peacefully sleeping beside me.

I lean over the edge of the bed to grab my pile of clothes so I can get my phone. I have six missed calls and five messages, all from Jess. All messages of her involving so many spelling mistakes that I can tell she was drunk last night.

After putting my phone away again, I fall back into the pillows. Letting out a loud sigh, I turn my head a bit to look at Estelle. Her pink lips are slightly parted. Her black eyelashes rest on the soft skin of her cheeks which are slightly stained with her mascara.

Now, in a state where she is supposed to be without any worries, she wears a little frown on her forehead. A small crease has formed between her eyebrows which shows that her sleep is not as peaceful as I at first thought.

Slowly,  her eyes flutter open and try to adjust to the bright light which shines through the two windows. Sighing, she buries her head in a pillow again.

  "What time is it?" She mumbles, making it almost impossible for me to understand her since her voice is muffled by the thick, white pillow.

Without much moving, I take the phone from the nightstand back in my hand and take a look at the clock, "It's a little bit past 8am."

  "Wow," Estelle says and turns on her back, "I slept so long."

  "You slept around four hours. I wouldn't call that long."

  "It is for me." Estelle replies and tries to sit up and a painful expression rushes over her face.

  "Does your head hurt?" I ask her and she nods, "Do you need anything? Water or painkillers? I think I have some around here."

  "No, no, I'm fine." She tries to assure me.

For a while, we just lie next to each other and think about different things. I think about where Jess could be right now. If she is already back at the motel? Or was she here the entire night but just wasn't able to get in our room? I should probably open the door so she can come in when they come back from this house we have been at last night. But their return shouldn't happen until a few hours. Jess always sleeps for a long time.

However, I get up without any explanation to Estelle and unlock the door so everyone could enter without our permission. It is still way too early for anyone to show up here so it doesn't really matter whether the door is locked or not.

Still a bit tired, I get back into the bed and roll onto my side to face Estelle. Currently, she is twirling the tips of her dirty blonde hair around her thin fingers. The blanket isn't even covering her body anymore. She's pushed it away right after she woke up and now her body is covered in only her underwear. I have to fight every urge to just roll on top of her and touch every inch of skin of her's.

Estelle catches me staring and a knowing grin appears on her face. I remember last night where she desperately wanted to have sex but I denied her. Of course, I wanted to but I couldn't take advantage of her body like this when she was drunk and stoned. Even if she said she wanted this, Estelle couldn't think straight last night, so I had no other choice but to say no.

But now we are under different circumstances. Estelle is sober and she can think clear again. I wouldn't take advantage of her. She seems to be thinking about the exact same thing because seconds later her half naked body is on top of mine.

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