30. head home

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CHAPTER 30: head home

                             Tuesday, June 6th 2017 - Los Angeles, California

                 A shattering noise wakes me up. Slightly disoriented as to time and place, I sit up and support myself on my elbows. I'm still wearing my bra and skirt from last night but the white blanket is covering my lower body. I turn to the right side and see a shock of curly, tousled hair. Harry and I seemed to have fallen asleep at some point.

 However, the noise I've just heard is making me much more curious than the worrying fact why Harry stayed here and didn't go back to his room that he shares with Jess.

 Quietly, I get up from the bed and tip-toe over to the bathroom door from where I assume the noise is coming from. I hear a mutter of profanities and recognize Sam's voice. Immediately, my head snaps to the right to look at Harry, sleeping peacefully on the bed that I'm supposed to share with Sam tonight.

 In my head, I go through the options of how to avoid an awkward situation. If I let Sam walk out of the bathroom and let him see Harry in the bed, Sam will blow up. If I wake Harry and tell him to leave as quietly as possible, Sam could catch us and he'd blow up. I decide to go with the first option because it's better to be prepared than to be full of hope not to get caught and then everything goes wrong.

 I faintly knock on the bathroom door but all I get as a response is a slurry, "Fuck off."

 But me being me, I don't take "no" as an answer and open the door anyway. My sight surprises me, but then again it doesn't. Sam is sitting on the bathroom floor, leaning against the cold, tiled wall. In front of him is the toilet with an opened lid.

  "What do you want?" Sam asks and rolls his eyes.

  "Are you ok?" I ask and crouch down beside him, stroking some strands of his dark brown hair out of his face. Sam lazily slaps my hand away.

  "Do I look ok?" He asks while he turns his head to me and his breath that smells like cheap and canned beer hits my face.

  "Were you gone all night?" I change the topic and move a tiny bit away from him so his smell of booze won't hit me as hard.

 Sam shrugs, "Don't know. Came home at around 5am." He tells me and takes his phone in his hand that rested beside him. The clock says a quarter to six.

  "You've been in here for forty-five minutes, Sam. Did you throw up? Or do you need a glass of water?" I ask as I stand up and fill him the toothbrush cup with water. But Sam turns his head away from me when I try to hand him the glass.

  "Stop acting like you care." Sam says and I sigh.

  "I do ca—" I start but then the bathroom door opens again and a sleepy Harry is revealed. Harry looks a bit startled as he ruffles his hair and sees Sam and me sitting on the bathroom floor.

  "Oh, am I...I'm sorry." He quietly asks and I hear Sam chuckle, "I heard voices and was worried."

  "Of course, he is here. Where else would he fucking be than glued to your side now that you're single?" Sam says. From the angle of my eye I catch him trying to stand up. Quickly, I reach out and press my flat hand against his chest so he sits down again.

  "He came over to check on me." I defend him, "You left and--"

  "What did you expect? For me to stay here? Sleep in the same bed with the girl that hasn't felt anything for me while I loved you? For Christ's sake!" Sam gets louder and tries to stand up again but I keep him down.

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