32. lost

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                           Wednesday, June 7th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

                      "How did you sleep, sleepyhead?" I ask Harry and touch his nose with my pointer finger. Harry grumbles and rubs over his eyes with both his hands. I'm laying on my side and put my elbow up so my head can rest in my hand as I look down at Harry who's just waking up.

 A sleepy Harry is so fun to watch. Because his messy curls are sprawled over my pillow and he just looks adorable with his squishy cheeks and droopy eyes. He opens and closes his eyes a thousand times to get used to the bright sunshine that is shining through my open window. Harry pulls the blanket up to his chin and closes his eyes again.

  "Very well, you?" He answers my question with his low morning voice and I hate to admit that it causes me goose bumps.

  "I've slept better than ever." I tell him and Harry opens one eye to look at me.

  "Really or are you joking?"

  "No, I'm being honest." I tell him and lay my head down again, scooting closer so our noses almost brush.

 After he came over yesterday and told me about Jess, and although briefly talked about his feelings for me, I didn't want him to leave and not just for the evening but for the whole night. This might be selfish and not very considerate regarding his feelings towards me but I love having Harry around.

  "You know, I would have never guessed that your mom and your house is so..." He struggles to find the right word.

  "Hippie-like?" I ask laughing and he nods with a soft smile, "Yeah, I don't know. She loves the 60's and because she wasn't born to that time, she lives them now."

  "That's honestly so cool. How she allows her personality to show through in her house.  My parents don't even have personalities. They're just snobby and judgmental, or more my mom. My dad's cool but he often isn't around." Harry tells me quietly.

  "What about your sister?"

  "I only see her a couple times a year, since she's moved back to England. She's fun though. I miss her a lot." He says, "But what about your dad? You never talk about him."

  "Oh, he's gone for the most part, too. He thinks he's some big musician and "tours the world". His fanbase consists of, I think, forty people. At least that's the amount of likes his Facebook page has," I shrug and twirl one of Harry's brown curls around my finger, "It's actually pretty cool that he travels a lot because he always gets me cool stuff from other places and sometimes my mom goes with him, so I have the place all to myself which is always cool."

 I gently tug at the strand of hair that is twirled around my finger and my lips brush over Harry's. I'm not sure whether this is a good idea and I'm really not looking forward to being rejected by him but I can't resist his plump lips that are only a few inches away from mine.

 Luckily, Harry doesn't back away so I fully press my lips against his. Our lips move slow and we tease each other by softly biting into the other one's bottom lip. I roll on top of him as both our lips erupt into smiles. Harry's hands move from my waist down to my behind, squeezing it gently.

 Suddenly, the door is being opened and my mom peeks in. I quickly separate my lips from Harry's and sit up, still on top of him. My mother either doesn't seem to acknowledge the way we sit in my bed or she simply doesn't care because the smile doesn't drop for once from her face.

  "Breakfast's ready so if you want you can come downstairs." She offers.

  "Okay thanks, mom. We'll be down in a second." I tell her and she disappears again.

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