66. insecurity

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Monday, August 14th 2017 


 That weekend was so awkward and tensed. It was awkward because I had to spend both days, Saturday and Sunday, with Claire because the wedding was on Saturday and Sunday my mother showed us around Boston and we drove to Cambridge so she could show us around campus and the town a bit. It was tensed because my mother and I still haven't made up and every time she looked at me, she wore her mask again. She was cold and her eyes were empty. Whenever I look at her, I feel like she has lost all kinds of possible emotions a parent could or should have for their son.

 All the better that I'm finally going back home. And with home I don't mean my parents' house but Stella's. I have missed her like crazy and it makes it even worse that my phone has died so I wasn't able to text her while we were waiting at the airport. The car ride from Portland to Brookings wasn't exactly awkward since it's my parents but it was uncomfortably silent. My parents were barely talking and of course no one paid attention to me in the backseat. When there were no words spoken, the radio was quietly playing.

 Now I'm still at my parent's house because my car is here. I only have to load my stuff into my car and then I can drive over to Stella. My mother is the first to get out of the car and I hear her heels click against the ground as she walks up to our house. I get out of the car as well and head for the trunk to get my suitcase. My father helps me and doesn't say a word as I carry it over to my car but my mother pushes the door open and then glares at me.

  "What do you think you're doing, young man?" She puts her hands on her hips and I spin around, meeting her gaze.

 "Putting my suitcase into my car."

  "What for?"

  "I'm going back to Stella's."

  "No, you're not. You're staying here. You've been rebelling enough now, Harry. There's no point in staying at this girl's place." She demands and I know she expects me to accept it and carry my suitcase inside the huge house in front of me. But I do no such thing. I stay put.

  "I'm not rebelling. Not everything is about you, Mother. I merely want to spend time with my girlfriend before I have to go to Boston to study law for you." I don't know where I've been taking my courage from in the last few days but speaking up to my mother suddenly seems a lot easier. The words are just rolling off my tongue.

  "You're not studying it for me. You're going there for yourself, Harry," My mother says and I almost laugh, "And how long do you plan on staying there?"

  "Until I have to move to Boston." I tell her and then put my suitcase into my trunk.

  "Harry Styles, you--"

  "Carmen," The soft but firm voice of my father echos through my ears, "Leave him. He's old enough to make his own decisions. Let him enjoy his last few days with his girl."

  "Are you taking his side, William?"

  "I'm just saying that you need to see that our son isn't a young boy anymore but an adult who is capable of deciding for himself and if he chooses to live with someone else but us, then we need to accept that."

  "He's going to ruin his future! This girl is going to ruin his future!" My mother says frustrated. My father just shakes his head and then pats my back.

  "Have a good last days with Stella. It's okay if I call her that, right? Or does she prefer Estelle?" He asks and then smiles, "Call if you need anything."

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