36. ditched

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                            Sunday, June 18th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

                       The sunshine is shining through my curtains, making weird patterns onto my furniture and floor. I groan as a bit of sunlight flashes my face, making me squint my eyes together as I quickly disappear under the blanket again. The sound of some birds singing and cars racing down the street are audible through the slightly opened window. The air underneath my blanket slowly gets sticky so I have to get out from under it again.

 Bursting into my room, my mothers wears a huge smile on her lips as she opens my curtains, opens the window wide and pulls my blanket away. All she receives is a groan from me and a quiet curse. It is still a mystery for me how my Mother manages to be this happy in the morning.

  "Good morning, sunshine." She says and gives me a kiss on the forehead as she walks over to my wardrobe to pick something out for me to wear.

  "Mom! I can dress myself." I complain and sit up to push her out of my room again.

  "But hurry, Sam is waiting for you downstairs." She says and disappears but I'm sure she hears my loud "What?"

 What could Sam possibly want from me after I broke his heart? What would he want to talk about? Is he going to yell at me? I don't think I can bear yelling this early in the morning. The mere thought of talking to Sam makes me anxious.

 Quickly, I get out of my bed, pick up clothes from the floor that lay around and put them on. As I pull my shirt over my head, I rush downstairs and turn left to enter the living room where Sam is all by himself. Based on the clothes my mom wore when she barged into my room, I'm guessing she is working in the green house in our backyard. And my dad is probably rehearsing with his band at Dylan's house. My dad and Dylan's father are good friends and bandmates.

  "Hi." I awkwardly say and shift my weight to the right.

  "Hey. I come in peace," Sam says and holds his hands in a defending manner up, "I was just thinking, you know, and I thought that I owe myself to find out why you did that. I just want to hear the reason and how we're going to move on from that point."

  "I...I don't know, Sam. We were drunk. I just came back from buying new booze when he suddenly had me pressed against the car. I was...at first I told him to stop but I'm as guilty as Harry is. I wanted that, too." I honestly tell him.

 Sam eyes turn sad again, "But why? Why did you want it?"

  "I—I don't know. Maybe it was the thrill or feeling like I wasn't tied to somebody."

  "But you were tied, tied to me. Your job was to be faithful."

  "I know and I'm sorry but now you can get over me and really fall for someone who loves you with every fiber of her being."

  "But I want you, Estelle! It's not so easy to just get over someone. You'd know that feeling if you were actually capable of feeling something." Sam spats and my jaw drops in indignation.

  "I do have feelings and you're hurting them right now. I'm not a cold, heartless bitch like you always make me out to be! I avoided relationships for a reason. I didn't want to fall in love until I met you. I really, really wanted to but it's not my fault that you weren't the right one for that!"

  "So now it's my fault that you cheated? Was that your revenge to me that I didn't make you fall for me?"

  "What the fuck? That's not what I said!" I yell back at him. He's coming in peace, my ass.

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