54. debts

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                            Friday, July 14th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

                    "My friend? What are you talking about? I told you all that I have never seen him before and it was only this one time. I didn't even know his name until yesterday. So please for the love of God stop accusing me of—" I start but Harry lifts his head and stares right into my eyes. His forceful and stern yet worried glance makes me forget about my words and I sit there open-mouthed, staring back at him.

  "Estelle, obviously he isn't really your friend. We know that. But he is a drug dealer and no drug dealer gives cocaine in such concentrations away—for free. Can you remember how much he gave you?" Dylan explains for Harry but his voice sounds muffled to me. Harry is still looking worriedly at me, nervously pulling on his bottom lip and then fiddling with his fingers. Beth places her hand on my knee and I'm snapped back to reality. Hastily, I look at Beth.

 I can't grasp a decent thought right now. Beth said Frank is here because a 'friend' of his hasn't payed off his debts yet. Harry said that I might be this friend because I was handed a free bag of cocaine the night I met this Frank guy. I can't remember how much was in the bag. What do I do now? Pay him? How much money do I even owe him? '

  "I don't remember exactly," I shrug, looking at Harry for help.

  "I don't know. It was a little bag full. Couldn't tell you how much was in it, though." Harry replies.

  "He prides himself on how good his stuff is." Beth says, "I'm sure it's nothing too crazy."

 I shift my gaze to the wall opposite from me, above Harry's head. Why would a random guy that I met at a party in California chase me all the way back to my hometown to get his money back for a bag drugs that he gave to me? He never even mentioned that he wanted anything for it.

 I don't know what Beth and Dylan say. I can't make out any words. I hear their voices but as soon as I try to figure out the correct words they are using, I hear nothing. Harry is as silent as I am.

 "Excuse me." I whisper but I'm not sure if anyone heard me. I get up from the hospital bed and walk out of the room. Sighing, I lean with my back against the wall opposite from Beth's room. Thoughtfully, I stare down at my feet.

 I look up when I see that Harry has stepped out of the room. He carries a frown on his face and I know he is worried too. Silently, he approaches me. I can feel his presence in front of me but I don't look up to meet his eyes. I feel ashamed. A small mistake I made many miles ago has carried through all the way back to my home, dragging Beth into it as well.

  "Hey, you don't have to worry about anything. I can—" Harry starts and then puts a finger underneath my chin, forcing me to look at him, "Look at me, Stella. There's no need to be worried. If he wants money, I'll pay him."

  "Then why are you so worried, Harry? Why do you look at me like I just signed my own death warrant?"

  "It worries me that a stranger has managed to find out where you live and made an effort to come all this way. And it worries me that he has been in town for a couple days now without showing his face."

 I gulp. The thought of seeing this guy again makes me anxious. I met him when I was tipsy and sad. Harry's finger lets go of my chin and instead he puts his hand on my hip, his thumb slowly stroking up and down. It's a considerate gesture even though I barely feel it through my clothes.

 "I always do this, right? I mess up everything." I say sighing, "Beth is here because of me. Because I had to be so stupid and—"

  "No." Harry says just this one simple word but sounds stern. He shakes his head, not letting me end my sentence, "It is not your fault Beth is in here right now. I know Dylan's made you think it is. But Beth decided to get involved with him herself."

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