05. star constellations

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Saturday, May, 27th 2017 - Medford, Oregon

The drive was long-5 hours-because we took a break from driving for half an hour. The ride was not only long but also boring. Dylan and Beth are my friends but I felt too guilty to get involved in their car games and jokes.

However, I survived the ride and by now we are finally in Medford, our actual first destination. It is currently 5:30pm and we are carrying our bags to the campground where we want to stay the night. I wish we would have made a stop at a motel because sleeping in Harry's small car was really uncomfortable but I'm not really in the position to speak out wishes.

Together with Sam I try to put up the tents. We only have tents where is enough space for two people so we had to build pairs. It was obvious that Harry and Jessica wanted to share a tent, and Sam and I, so Dylan and Beth had to share a tent which is maybe for their own good.

They both have a crush on each other. They have been hooking up for a while now but are in no relationship. Both avoid this topic at all costs, especially when you ask what is going on between them. They always insult each other and to outsiders they probably look like they hate each other but their friends are convinced that they are in love, however to proud to admit it.

"What did you and Harry do last night?" Sam throws me off guard with this question and I need to think about a good answer.

"We, you know, the usual stuff," I laugh abashed, "He had, uh, you know, some booze in his trunk so we drank a bit. And then we were tired, we slept, yeah. Very early actually. Both tired from the ride." I stutter and Sam looks at me in confusion.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just exhausted. I don't know where my head is." I mumble and glance over at Harry who is pressing Jessica against a tree as the two of them make out.

"This isn't your shirt, right?"

"Oh, uh, no. It's Harry's. He gave it to me because I puked over my blouse."

"But your blouse looked clean."

"Yeah, I haven't puked on it, like really on it. It just smelled like it, you know?" I lie and feel terrible. I have never felt so terrible in my entire life.

Why did Harry sleep with me when all his lust is already stilled by Jessica? They make out every second of the day and I'm pretty sure that their nights are filled with journeys as well. Harry cannot be unsatisfied, so why did that happen last night? Pieces of his unfinished sentences cross mind. "I can't wait any longer" "Always..." "...You..."

The hours go by and later at night we sit around a small bonfire. Harry sits opposite from me but the fire separates the two of us, which I'm very happy about it. For some reason I feel like if I even so much as look Harry, everyone will know about last night so I try to avoid him as much as possible. As I share a blanket with Sam, I can feel the weight of his soft hands on my bare thighs and they remind me of Harry's. I close my eyes and try to get rid of that feeling but instead it consumes me and I let out a sigh. What in the world were we thinking?

My eyes travel up Harry's body up to his face. Everyone around is talking, laughing and joking but only Harry and I are silent. He returns my stare with an intense gaze but I can't define the expression in his green eyes.

Jessica's head leans against Harry's chest which is marked with the scratches that my fingernails left last night. Only she doesn't know. In Jessica's eyes, Harry still her Prince Charming that she has been waiting for for so long. His arms, with which he held, are wrapped around her petite body. What happened last night was so wrong but I can't stop my mind from wishing that it could happen a second time.

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