63. gemini

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Tuesday, August 1st 2017 - Brookings, Oregon


Estelle is tightly asleep when we arrive at her house. Her head is leaning against the window of the car and soft noises escape her lips where the red lipstick is slowly coming off. After I put her in my car, it didn't take her long to fall asleep. And it's one the most adorable and rare things to watch: Basically, I'm also the one to fall asleep first so if I ever get the chance to watch her fall asleep first, I take it.

While she is falling asleep, her eyelids flutter and she winces. It always looks like she is falling in her mind and everytime she falls through a heavy cloud, she winces. But as soon as Stella is settled and she lies on the safest cloud, she gets this relaxed and peaceful look on her face. It's amazing to watch because seconds ago there was a frown on her face and her lips were a tight line but as soon as Stella is finally asleep, everything in her face relaxes and she almost smiles.

"Stella, we're home." I gently shake her shoulder and her respone is turning her head even further away from me, snuggling her face into the tiny space that is left between the window and the headrest. Stella crosses her arms in front of her chest and pulls her shoulders up; She is cold.

"Stella, baby. You need to stand up so you can get in your bed."

"Carry me." Stella whispers so quietly, I could barely catch it. I roll my eyes. That's the only disadvantage of a sleepy Stella; she never wants to walk herself, always wants to be carried. And I, of course, carry her.

I get out of the car and close the door before walking around to Stella's side. She is still snuggled up in the passenger seat, hasn't moved a bit. I open the car door carefully so she'll realize that the surface her head was leaning on is slowly being withdrawn from her. She inches her head away, so her head rests against the headrest. Gingerly, I move my left arm behind her back and my right arm underneath her knees, carefully lifting her up and carrying her out of the car. With my foot, I close the door. Stella cuddles into my chest while I try to lock the car without letting Stella fall.

Somehow, I manage to do this and carry her up the stairs to the front door. This time it's a bit more difficult to open the door because I first have to change keys. Luckily, her parents gave me the spare key so I won't have to take Stella's. However with a little bit of ingenuity, I manage to open the front door as well and close it with my foot.

I want to carry her upstairs as quiet as possible but when I walk past the living room, I see that her father is still awake and now I hear it too. He is softly playing on his guitar as he sits on the couch, his feet stretched out on the tiny table in front of him. The guitar rests on his stomach as he plays a few chords.

It seems like he heard me walking in because he turns his head to me and then looks at my arms where I'm still holding his drunk and sleeping daughter.

"Is she okay?" Her father-Daniel-asks and he slowly puts his guitar away, sitting up.

"Yes...yes she is fine. Just asleep."

"Is she drunk?"

I don't really know what the right answer is. Should I lie and tell him no? But he knows we were out so he probably already knows that she is drunk but just wants to make sure by asking me. Or maybe this is a test. Maybe he is testing my honesty. "Uhh..uh yeah kinda."

"That's okay. Not the first time she comes home drunk," He chuckles but his eyes look kind of sad in the dim light, "You know, I'm just glad there's someone who is willing to take care of her."

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