46. ultimatum

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                            Saturday, July 8th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

                         Harry sits on a hospital bed with a cooling pack on his neck. As I stand in front of him between his legs to press the other cooling pack against his forehead, he holds tissues under his nose so the bleeding will stop. We haven't spoken a word with each other. The only time we talked at all was to answer the doctor's questions.

 I bite my lip to prevent myself from talking. But there are so many questions and apologies running through my head and I want Harry to hear and answer them all. I hate the thought of him being mad at me.

 I can completely understand that he blames this on me. If I hadn't attended Sam's party, Harry wouldn't have had to pick me up. Sam wouldn't have tried to almost rape me, Harry and Sam wouldn't have seen each other, Harry wouldn't have started to punch Sam. I could have prevented all the events that took place this night.

  "Can you get me a glass of water, please?" Harry's voice croaks and my heart starts beating faster just because he talks to me.

  "Of course." I whisper and Harry uses his free hand, that used to rest on his thigh, to take the cooling pack from my hand and press it against his forehead himself.

 Without another word, I leave through the door and fill him a cup with cool water. Exhausted, I plop down on the chair beside the water automat and stare at my aching feet that are still stuck in my black heels.

 A pair of feet approaches me and I turn around to see the same nurse that brought us into the room Harry is sitting in right now. I immediately get up and pull my dress down that looks like a short skirt now because I'm wearing Harry's green Green Packers hoodie over my dress. He gave me his hoodie when we stopped in front of the hospital, but of course without a word.

 There are a few blood stains on the sleeves of his hoodie. But I can't tell whether it is his own blood from when he accidentally touched his nose to check if it's bleeding or from when he caused Sam's nose to bleed.

 I follow the nurse inside the room again and quickly hand Harry the cup filled with water. While he drinks it, I throw away his tissues.

  "Okay so..." The nurse starts and skims through the papers on her clip board, "Harry, your nose is indeed broken but it's not as bad as we assumed. It doesn't need to be operated. A doctor is coming soon and will reduce your nose, then you'll get a support bandage which you have to wear about three to four weeks."

  "This is a joke. I can't—"

  "Thank you." I interrupt Harry and smile at the nurse who nods and then leaves the room again. I hear Harry muttering something under his breath but can't make out any specific words.

 I sit on the chair opposite from the bed Harry is sitting on. He still avoids the eye contact with me. Even when the doctor walks in and starts reducing Harry's nose and Harry whimpers in pain, he doesn't look at me. I feel out of place and unwanted. If he didn't want me here, he could have dropped me off at my place before he went to the hospital.

 After Harry got his support bandage and some medication, he stands up from the bed and I do the same. In silence, we leave the hospital. An hour and a half have passed since we arrived here. By now it is already 3:30am and I'm not tired at all.

 Harry walks in front of me but as soon as I step out the door and stand outside, I stop. Harry keeps walking until I call his name and he spins around to look at me.

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