65. wedding

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Saturday, August 12th 2017 


The wedding was lame. Luckily, Claire and I were sitting in the very back and not with our parents so I could close my eyes without being afraid that my mother might yell at me for being so rude. But the priest was just talking and talking and talking and he wouldn't stop. Claire did wake me up when they exchanged their rings and all. But even then I didn't pay attention to the ceremony. I pulled my phone out and texted Stella. Afterwards, Claire told me she had to wake me up because I started quietly snoring but I doubt that's true. Stella told me I wouldn't snore or maybe it is true and Stella was again just messing around with me because she loves to do that.

 The wedding party is okay. The music is lame and most people are about twenty years older than me but the good thing is that I didn't have to sit with my parents. I was seated somewhere else with Claire and other boys and girls our age. However, this whole wedding is just lame. For the most part because Stella isn't here. She would make this a lot more fun.

  "And Stella is who?" Claire asks interested, "You've been talking about her and texting her the whole time."

  "My girlfriend."

  "Oh," She sounds genuinely surprised, "Your mother said you wouldn't have a girlfriend."

 I had already assumed that she did that because Claire kept holding my hand and talking about how great College is going to be for us together. I feel much better now that Claire knows I'm taken; happily taken at that. However, Claire doesn't seem to like the fact that I have a girlfriend as much as I do.

  "Why isn't she here?"

  "Well, we live in a whole other state and my mother kind of...dislikes her," I answer, "I live with her, though. Or rather I live at her house with her parents and...yeah."

  "So is she going to move with us into the flat?" Claire pouts and leans back in her chair, "Your mother didn't mention that."

  "My mother also didn't mention to me that I'm having a roommate. No offense," I say and take my phone out of my pocket again, "But no. Stella is not moving to Boston with me."

  "Why not?"

 Yeah, why not? Because I haven't asked her yet. And why haven't I asked? Because I don't want to think about moving away from Brookings and Stella. I kind of proposed the idea to her but she said she was too drunk to think about it and we haven't talked about it ever since. I need to bring this up as soon as I'm back home. And tell her that I'm going to have an unexpected roommate.

  "Haven't asked her yet." I answer shrugging. I unlock my phone and see that I've got two new messages from Stella.

 Queen Stella: of course it'd be more fun if i was there, I am the party. We could have disappeared during the boring church thing and done unholy things instead

Queen Stella: OH WAIT! nevermind, doesn't work bc mr.styles thinks it's funny to punish me by not touching me

 I chuckle and get totally lost in my conversation with Stella until Claire clears her throat. When I look up, I see a smile on her lips but she seems kind of...hurt. Have I done something wrong? Said something wrong? I've been doing nothing but texting Stella.

  "Hey,  I know you miss your girlfriend but texting her all the time isn't healthy either. What do you wanna do when you live here?" Claire says and opens her tiny purse. I'm still surprised how women can fit so much into such a tiny bag. She unlocks my phone and puts it into her purse, giving me a smirk after she closed her bag again. I look after my phone like I've just lost the most important thing in my life which it kind of is; it's my only way of communicating with Stella and surviving this boring party.

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