17. caught

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Tuesday, May, 30th 2017 - San Francisco, California

Beth has her face buried in the pillows as I pick up some of my clothes to put back in my suit case. Jess sits next to her on the bed and strokes her back. Every now and then Beth grumbles something into the pillows that no one understands but we just let her talk. If that makes her feel better, then so be it.

I pick up a black shirt I took out of my suit case today when I thought of what to wear. I look down at my blue shirt I'm wearing right now and decide to wear the black one instead. When I turn around, I meet Jess' eyes that hold a helpless expression.

Cluelessly, I climb onto the bed and sit down next to Beth, patting her back gently. She grumbles and reaches beside her head to grab another pillow and place it above her head. Beth is - most of the time - exceedingly happy but when she is sad, she gets extremely sad.

"Beth, c'mon," Jess encourages her and gently shakes her shoulder, "We have to check out soon."

"I don't wanna see him," Beth grumbles into the pillow and suddenly she sits up, making Jess and me jump slightly backwards in surprise, "I can't fucking believe that son of a bitch slept with someone else!"

Beth screams and stands up on the bed, in each of her hand a pillow and she throws it at the ground. The irony of this isn't lost on me; Beth being so upset that Dylan slept with someone else, when they have made it clear multiple times that they are only friends with benefits. Seeing her reaction makes me never want to find out how Jess or Sam would react, if they were to find out about Harry and I.

"I wasn't even gone for five damn minutes!" She continued to yell. Jess and I let her do whatever she has to do to feel better and if it meant to destroy the room. "We had already been making out and then I went to the bathroom for just a moment, only to find him with someone else when I came back!"

Beth jumps off the bed and tears the lamp out of the wall socket only to smash the lamp onto the floor. She kicks the bed as she continues to let out frustrated and hurt screams. When I look at Jess I see that she eyes the room concerned.

"Maybe we should stop her?" I suggest worried, not only about Beth but also the hotel bill we are going to face for the damages she caused.

 Jess shakes my head. "Don't worry. Harry will cover the bill. Beth needs to let her wrath out before she encounters  Dylan again."

"This fuckboy thinks he can just sleep around with every girl he crosses paths with! I hate him! I hate Dylan!" Beth says and tears at the blanket of the bed but it barely moves since Jessica and I sit on top of it.

"Beth. Bethany, calm down, please." I try to appease her but Beth looks like she doesn't even hear me.

She furiously runs around the room, trying to find things she can throw. When she doesn't find anything, she takes my fresh folded clothes out of my suit case and throws them around. I cringe at the thought of having to fold them again but if it makes Beth feel better, then I'll be okay with her throwing my clothes around the room.

"Calm down? He cheated on me!" She screamed and I cringe again but this time at the choice of her words. Beth all of a sudden stops and looks at me as if she could read my mind.

"Sorry, didn't mean to say that," Beth mumbles, "Technically, he didn't cheat. We're not dating."

"It's okay, you're right. It was wrong of him to do that." I agree with her, giving her a soft smile.

"Especially because you two were about to hook up. I mean, you just went for the bathroom and when you came back he already had someone new." Jess reminds Beth again who pulls a face. Exhausted, she throws herself back on the bed and sighs loudly.

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