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        Saturday, July 15th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

   "How the fuck did you get the number for this phone, whoever the hell you are?"

  "Uh...Hi, here's Stella." I say and ignore his question. It sounds like he is still furious. I wonder why he is like this, what is making him so angry. He wasn't anything like that when I met him in Carmel-By-the-Sea in California. Frowning, I await his reaction and my nervosity grows with every second where we remain silent.

 After a while he finally answers, "Stella." 

 His voice has changed immediately. When he answered the call he sounded mad and like he wanted to kill whoever was on the phone and now his voice is sweet and tender, no trace of anger in his voice. My hands are shaking as I wait for him to continue, "What do you want, babe?"

  "I heard you were looking for me?"

  "Oh, that is indeed true. Isn't it actually so nice from me how I came all this way from California just for you?" Frank purrs and I roll my eyes. My fear starts to fade and is instead replaced with annoyance. I just want to get this over with.

  "What do you want?"

  "$600 until Tuesday." He answers and he sounds more distant than he did when he was flirting with me. I guess this is the voice he uses for his clients.

  "Sorry, what was that? $600 for that tiny bag?" I didn't want to raise my voice because after all he is a stranger and a drug dealer and I don't know what he is capable of. I do know if he can be very violent when he is furious; he did threaten to smash Harry's head into the hood of his car and dented it.

  "Interest is included. You get nothing for free in life, babe. You should know that." Frank is back to using his soft voice.

  "I can't scratch up that much money until Tuesday."

 I hear Frank chuckle, "Okay Wednesday then. One more day but you know I need to get back to California even though I quite enjoyed my stay here."

  "Oh I'm sure you did," I roll my eyes, "Why didn't you come to me? Why were you waiting for me to reach out?"

  "I had to check out your environment first and then sadly this incident with Beth happened. Poor girl. But she also told you about me then so I thought I'd wait until you'd have the guts to call me." Frank explains.

  "You were spying on me?" I ask surprised yet again I'm not really. Harry said he might be spying on me.

 He chuckles again and in my head I can see the smirk that he is probably wearing on his lips, "Well, let's just say I'm surprised you ended up with this curly haired lad. Although, maybe I should have known. I saw him taking care of you the night we met."

 So Harry was wrong about him. Frank did know who Harry was when they met yesterday. 

  "What did you do with Harry last night?"

  "None of your business," Frank answers harshly and this time without chuckling.

  That just raises my suspicions again.

  "Wednesday. $600." Those are his last words before he hangs up on me, leaving me speechless, clueless and helpless on the pavement in front of the hospital.


 I hear the door to my room open and then quietly close again, however I do not bother lifting my head. Soft footsteps toddle over to my bed and then I feel the mattress shifting. A strong arm is thrown over my back and pulls me closer. Harry's calming scent, that ever since he lives here and sleeps in this bed reminds me of home, fills my nose.

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