64. boston

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Wednesday, August 9th 2017


Harry comes back outside with his eyebrows furrowed, his phone in his hands. He is typing and slowly stepping out of my house and into the backyard. His phone makes a high-pitched noise, Harry stops and then his fingers fly over the keyboard again.

The two of us were sitting outside and enjoying the sun but a call of Harry's mother, Carmen, interrupted our peaceful time together. His mother hasn't called him ever since the day she showed up here after he moved out over night. She came her the next morning and yelled at Harry to get back home but he just shrugged and told her he'd stay here. Then she yelled at me and called me a "gold-digger" and I just didn't care about what names she called me. At one point she realized it wouldn't make much sense to keep yelling at us, so she left and didn't call ever since. Harry was worried for a while that his mother might stop paying for his education or his flat in Boston but we both know that his mother wants him to be successful so bad, she wouldn't stop paying for him just beause he chose to rebel against her for the first time in his life.

It is actually quite sad that I don't get along with his parents since it's pretty serious between Harry and I. I would love to be able to go to his house without being welcomed by hateful glares by his mother. I don't understand anyway what I did to her that she hates me so much. Do I really come across as such a bad influence? Am I a bad influence? Harry told me he started drinking and smoked weed for the first time because of me. He went out late at night because of me. Maybe I am a bad influence but then again maybe Harry is just very easy to influence. I didn't force him to do any of that. I did my own thing, he could have done his own thing. That he crushed on me and did these things in order to get my attention isn't really my fault.

But now that Harry and I are together, Harry is doing what I never wanted to happen. Harry is influencing me, even kind of taming me. I party less, drink less, smoke less. He is doing what Sam always tried to do and while I was reluctant to change for Sam, I'm willing to change for Harry.

Harry plops down beside me, his eyes still glued to his phone. I wait for him to tell me how the conversation with his mother went but he doesn't say anything at first. But then he sighs and drops his phone before he lies back on the soft grass and looks up at the blue sky that is stained with white clouds. I lie down next to him and turn my head to look at Harry. He is squinting against the sun as the bright light is blinding him.

"I'm flying over to Boston this weekend." Harry says and even though I just lied down, I sit straight up again.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, my mother just told me. That's why she called."

"You told me you'd leave on the 25th. I thought I'd still have two weeks to prepare myself for when you leave."

"No, I--"

"Your mother can't do that. Why does your mother interfere so much in your life? God, I hate that. She isn't even controlling my life but it upsets me that she is controlling yours so much. You're 19 for God's sake! She can't force you to move to Boston. Especially not this weekend. What if I had something planned for you? I wanted...I didn't...That's not fair. She is stealing the tiny bit of time that I had left with you." I ramble and shake my head.

"Estelle." Harry speaks calmy. For some reason he doesn't seem as upset as I am about the fact that he is leaving Brookings, his friends and me in just two days.

"How does this not bother you?"

"Because it's just for this weekend," Harry chuckles and looks at me. He sits up a bit by supporting himself on his elbows, "for now at least. I do move there on the 25th."

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