50. worries

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                            Thursday, July 13th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

                    After we ordered and Harry received hateful glares from the waiter every time he walks into our direction to serve a costumer, we eat and try to lighten the mood with small talk. But Harry is still mad. He really tries to hide his wrath but even Sam's apology seems to not have dispelled this strong and controlling emotion. I, on the other hand, feel a lot better now. Knowing that Sam is sorry about what he tried and what he said and the fact that Jess forgave me, completely and sincerely, takes a huge load off my shoulders.

 I feel worry-free and I wish Harry would feel the same. I like him much more when he is in a good mood than when he forces himself to be in a good mood just for me.

  "Harry, lighten up! Why are you still so tense?" I ask him after he still hasn't relaxed one bit. Not even when he unwittingly made a joke and I nearly choked on my fries from laughter. Usually, he breaks into a smile before he laughs with me when he sees me laughing so hard.

  "I'm not tense." He states with a strained voice. I roll my eyes.

  "Yeah absolutely not tense." I remark and lean back in my chair. Harry doesn't response but keeps staring out of the window, watching random people walk by. He looks deep in thoughts as he eats my fries.

  "We can go home if you want." I offer, awaiting a response but I don't get one.

  "Harry," I say and wave my hand around, "Harry Styles," I say a bit more determined," Harry!" I growl, now louder and kick his shin underneath the table.

 Harry immediately turns his head to me and leans down a bit to press his hand against his shin. An expression of pain convulses his face for a second and then he frowns.

  "Why did you kick me?" He asks aghast.

  "Because you don't listen to me! I said we could go home if you want." I repeat myself.

  "No, why would we?"

  "Because you're being weird and I don't enjoy hanging out with you when you're like this."

  "You have to endure me at home as well."

  "Yeah but there I can close a door. Here...it's just awkward when you're not talking to me." I explain and Harry sighs, "What's the matter, Harry? Is it because of Sam? Or Jess? You looked at her very...weirdly when she came here. You looked like you would miss her...I don't know."

  "Are you implying that I want her instead of you?"

  "What? No, I didn't say that! Stop putting words in my mouth!" I tell him and Harry huffs.

  "I'm not putting words in your mouth when they're already there." He mumbles and takes another fry.

 I hate his grumpy side and I hate that I don't know how to properly deal with it. Every time he is mad at me, he becomes repellent and as if he liked to be alone now.

 Harry looks at the surface of the table, doesn't lock eyes with me but I watch him. He is being confusing and I don't even have clue how to solve the mystery that he is becoming right now.

  "Why are you trying to pick a fight? I thought after this everything'd be fine. Sam apologized, like you wanted. Jess forgave me and is trying her very best to get over you. Our problems are gone. Puff. They've disappeared." I tell him and Harry slightly shrugs before he looks up at me. His eyes hold an expression of surprise.

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