03. mistakes

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature content and many other future chapters will too. This is the only warning I will be giving.


Friday, May, 26th 2017 - ???, Oregon

"Okay, okay my turn again," I giggle and turn my head to the left to watch Harry, "What were you thoughts when you first saw me?"

I catch Harry blushing and he takes a huge sip from the almost empty wine bottle, "I thought you were hot."


"Yes, I still think you're hot." Harry blurts out and covers his mouth with his hand when he realizes what he just said. But instead of scolding him for calling a girl other than his girlfriend hot, I laugh. I start laughing and have to reach out for Harry's strong arms to not fall off the hood of the car.

Harry and I decided almost an hour ago that we would move out of the car because it was getting cramped and hot in there. So we chose to sit outside on the hood of his car and continue our game of 20 questions there.

"Okay, my last question for you is: Who do you look up to?" Harry asks and hands me the bottle but I don't need the burning of alcohol to answer this question.

"No one really," I answer him, shrugging and Harry raises both eyebrows, "I don't think I look up to anyone."

"Everyone does," Harry counters, "Everyone has an idol, in some way, even if it's only their parents."

"There is no person that I really idolize. My mom's pretty cool. Cares a lot for nature and is so happy all the time. My dad's a musician, not very successful, but he's having fun and following his dreams." I shrug. I've never really thought about who I look up to.

"So there is someone after all." Harry agrees and I laugh.

"Well, who do you look up to?" I ask him and lay down on the hood.

"My dad," Harry answers, "I don't see him very often and stuff but, you know, he always took good care of my mother and sister and I just wanna be like him. I don't know. Oh, and he is just as interested in astrology as I am. He is great, I wanna be great, too, you know? I wanna be as great as my father."

A smile tugs on my lips after he stopped rambling. The way he looks up to his father is cute but it does not change anything about my view on looking up to another person. Harry could be his own person, he does not need someone else o experience mistakes so he can avoid those.

It is important to make your own mistakes. Otherwise we could not grow and learn. To gather experience from someone else talking about an experience is not as great and as relevant as making those experiences yourself. We need to make mistakes on our own so we can become a better version of ourselves.

"Why don't you see him often?"

"Oh, he is just often gone, you know, for like work and stuff. He comes home every weekend, though. We actually wanted to have like a father-son-weekend this week but I had to tell him that I had this--we had this birthday trip planned for you." Harry shrugs and takes another sip from the vodka bottle which is almost empty, "I don't have any more booze in my trunk, this is the only bottle."

"We could buy more."

"We're not 21, Estelle." Harry answers.

"So, you're telling me I don't look like 21?" I ask and stand up, pushing my boobs up and then start laughing, "I bet I can get us some booze from the little gas station."

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